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Click for a Full History of No 112 Squadron
Recent Brief History of 112 Sqn

David Watkins Adds Some Notes on Recent History

     The Squadron was reformed at Fassberg on 12 May 1951 under the command of
Sqn Ldr I D Bolton, AFC.   Vampires carried code letter 'T' on the tail booms and
green "Fassberg Flash" on the nose.   The fins of 'A' Flight aircraft and that of
the CO's Vampire (WA331) were painted green.   In addition, the wing tips and tail
fin fillets of most of the aircraft were also painted green.   A note in the
Form 540 for 13 February 1952 states: "All and sundry began painting Sharks Teeth
on aircraft to obtain a uniform design as previously we had various activities
and have only recently made a final choice."   (I think they are referring to
the definitive design and colours of the nose markings as the squadron had
been experimenting with various positions and shapes since the previous
November). Moved to Jever on 7 March 1952 and finally to Bruggen on 6 July 1953,
where Sqn Ldr Bolton was replaced as CO by Sqn Ldr F M Hegarty.   Squadron
code letter changed to 'A' (one source suggests when the squadron moved to
Bruggen?   I think that it may have been when it moved to Jever?).   With
the move to Jever, the green tail markings were removed and the wing tips
of 'A' Flight were painted red and those of 'B' Flight in blue.
Of interest, the squadron received its first Vampire back from Fassberg
following a respray in the new camouflage scheme on 11 July 1952.
The squadron ceased to fly Vampires on 17 February 1954 following its
re-equipment with Sabre aircraft.