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Two Officers' Mess Bills from Flying Officer Ron Gray.   Ron says it looks as though the damage for December 1954 was carried forward to January 1955 as the Squadron detached to Sylt for Armament Practice Camp before the Mess Secretary could catch up with them!.   One item that was ALWAYS cleared at the end of a month, and NEVER carried forward was your Mess Bill.   The lower two versions of the Mess Bills are converted to costs as they would be at March 2008 using the Retail Price Index.
The first line "Messing" is the cost of any meals taken in the Mess.   The next line is for "booze" at the bar or during Dining-In functions.   The third line "Tobaccos, Sundries" is as stated.   From time to time members would be asked to contribute to a Wedding Gift from all the officers for a member who got married whilst on the Station.   The line "Containers" is for kegs, bottles and crates for liquor that was taken away for such things as a Squadron Party and would be refunded when they were returned.   The cost of entertaining guests, both local dignitaries and visiting officials, was shared "pro rata" according to rank and contributions collected on Mess Bills under the line "Mess Guests".   The operation of the Mess had to be paid for and this came partly from Mess Subscriptions and Maintenance.   Sports equipment used by the officers was paid for by everyone.   The next line covers money spent in the Officers Club, which at this time was upstairs in the Officers' Mess.   Again food and wine were charged for.   Finally contributions were collected towards the cost of a Station Dance and it would appear that Ron bought a new diary, presumably for 1955.   The Station Commander and or the President of the Mess Committee would see these bills each month, especially any that were considered excessive.   Officers had until the 10th - "the dreaded 10th! also known as "Der Tag"" - of the next month to settle their Mess Bills.
(Thanks to Ron Gray.)
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