Faster and higher.
I had an enjoyable leave, during which I was sent my next posting information together with an appropriate First Class Travel Warrant. On the 17th of March 1953,
I set off for RAF Merryfield in Somerset where I arrived in the late afternoon.
Merryfield is situated next to the small hamlet of Ilton, between Taunton and Ilminster. Ilton station was a wooden unmanned halt on the now defunct single
track railway linking those towns. At Ilton there was an alehouse, a tiny shop, some
very pretty thatched cottages, and little else. The village of Wellesbourne Mountford
was a metropolis by comparison.
I Warned In at the Mess and was allocated a double room in one of a group of Seco huts on low ground some distance away from both the Mess and the Flight
huts. The latter also doubled as our class-rooms and were on the edge of the
airfield. The Mess and the airfield were uphill from our accommodation. I shared a
room with John James Smith who had just married during the last leave. He was an
ex-apprentice of Jones & Shipman, machine tool makers, of Melton Mowbray, and
answered to either 'JJ' or 'Smithie'. We were to get on well together. There was a
civilian batman who also lived in a room in the hut and looked after its 8 occupants.
'A' Flight, 29 Course. From an official photograph.