Waiting for the rest of the guests to arrive.

Celebrations are well under way. Some of the Mess and Squadron silver can be seen on

the table. You can only see the top of my head in the front of the picture.
Officers and their wives present. One of the RAF Regional Bands played at the
parade and then serenaded us from the wide passageway outside the dining-room
during lunch. As is often the case after such and similar occasions in the RAF the
celebrations continued, and continued well into the early hours of the next day,
taking in their stride, as it were, an informal dance and a general thrash. Fortunately
the Station was stood down for 48 hours as it was anticipated that such would take
place. The Sergeants Mess celebrated in their own way, as did the Airmen - in the
NAAFI - and elsewhere. The official historian recorded that the 'situation became
fluid'. It certainly did, and not a little riotous as well. The next day, Saturday, was