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F540 Operations Record Book July 1958 NO 93 SQUADRON.
PRO Kew No. AIR27 Piece 2803 Microfilm Row1 Draws 52-71
Place Date Time SUMMARY OF EVENTS                                  COMPILING OFFICER   Fg. Off J.B. Cummins       REF. TO APPENDICES
      JohnCummins.jpg, 6217 bytes  
      Thursday 1st July, 1st - Saturday July 5th, 1958
                                                                                     Battle Flight was carried out during this
period.   With the remaining serviceable aircraft a varied programme of high level battle formation,
cine exercises, general handling sorties, and low level navigation exercises was carried
out.   Heavy thunderstorms frequently were the cause of restricted flying.   Instrument flying was
practised and one rating renewed.
      Sunday 6th July - Saturday July 12th, 1958
                                                                             Battle Flight was continued on Sunday and
Monday.   Serviceable aircraft were few on Monday but later in the week a full programme was
accomplished.   High level battle formation were flown, with practice interceptions and cine
exercises.   Low level rendezvous were carried out with the accent on extreme accuracy in map
reading and timing   An exercise 'Argus' on Thursday morning gave good practice in the I.D.F.
role.   One instrument rating was renewed, meanwhile Hunter simulator training was carried
on.   Preparations were made for the forthcoming detachment to Duxford, one air test being flown on
      Monday 14th July - Friday July 18th, 1958
                                                                         Monday morning saw six serviceable aircraft on route to
Duxford, four pilots and eight ground crew going by Varsity.   The aircraft were not intercepted
over the North Sea, as had been anticipated, and an uneventful trip was rounded off
with several close formation runs over Duxford.   Sector recces was started in
brilliant weather and continued with Tuesday morning when high level battle formation and cine
were also practised.   Tuesday afternoon was devoted to Exercise 'Ciano' when interceptions
were made against Valiants.   Practice interceptions were carried out on Wednesday
morning in poor weather which caused one aircraft to divert to Stradishall and
eventually stopped flying.   An air to air firing programme at low level was carried
out on Thursday, the newer pilots being introduced to the gentle art.

Gunnery Flag Duxford. Bob Bingham and John Lakeman counting their hits - July 1958.
[Not from F540]

     Results were as follows:
                                                  Squadron average - 12%
                                                  Highest Score - Fg. Off. D.J. Gleen 36%
The detachment ended on Friday with an interception of D.F.C.S. and A.F.D.S. aircraft
en route from Germany and the uneventful flight back to base in fine weather.
      Monday 21st - Friday 25th July, 1958
                                                                 Major servicing problems curtailed flying but flying was
carried out at maximum intensity.   High level battle formations, cine, low level rendezvous, general
handling and emergencies were practised.
      Monday 28th July Thursday 31st July, 1958
                                                                             Practice Battle Call roused the station at an early
hour on Monday 28th July, the first Squadron aircraft being airborne at 0619 hrs. local.   The exercise
continued until 0945 hrs. local when two pairs of aircraft were diverted due to appalling weather,
one pair landing at Ahlhorn the other at Oldenburg where German hospitality was sampled.
We started another round of Battle Flight on Tuesday, high level battle formation with
practice interceptions, low level navigation exercises, and general handling and
emergencies receiving attention.   Exercise 'Amled' on Thursday gave practice
interceptions on Canberras and F.84s

                                                          FLYING HOURS
              Operational Type                        Day              Night                 Sorties
                    Hunter 6                               349.50             Nil                        322
              Training Type
                  Vampire T.11                          35.05             Nil                          46   
                                                                  384.55             Nil                          368

                       A total of 349 hrs. 50 mins. was flown by the Squadron on Hunter a/c
during the month, an average of over 19 hours per pilot on strength, and 35 hrs. 5 mins
on Vampire T.11.   This was achieved despite a reduction in the flying effort, when
flying was reduced to 2 a/c for a period of one week, to permit 1st line manpower to be
diverted to 2nd linen servicing, and a further period of 10 days spent on Battle Flight.
                       The weather factor was good throughout giving 21 days available for flying,
and the flying effort was curtailed solely by aircraft availability due the manpower
problem affecting the servicing schedules.
                       This has been a successful month for cine and air-to-air training.   A total
of 150 cine sorties were carried out and 32 air-to-air sorties - 20 by one pilot at
A.P.S. Sylt.
                       Six aircraft were detached to Duxford from 14th - 18th on Exercise "Fawn Delta"
which was successful although much preparation invoicing 4 primary inspections and 2
primary star inspections, was required.   This was a large effort for a detachment
of only five days .   During the attachment the Squadron took part in 3 exercises and
carried out 12 air-to-air sorties for a squadron average of 12% and fired 1185 rounds
for one stoppage caused by mal ejection.
                       The work study turn round system was initiated this month, but it has been
hampered by shortage of manpower and its full effect has not yet been felt.
      Signed RSBinghamF.Lt.                      
(R.S. Bingham)                                      
Flight Lieutenant                                  
Officer Commanding                           
No. 93 Squadron                                  
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