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Video showing M18-17 clip from Brian Iles's film of his return flight from RAF Jever to Bulawayo, Africa in his Miles M-18 light aircraft beginning on Tuesday 20th July 1954 and starting their return on Monday 16th August 1954.   After a break in Cairo the flight is resumed at on Tuesday 24th August 1954 at 0750 hrs landing at Mersah Matrah at 1000 hrs for refuelling.   On the way they flew past the pyramids and the Sphinx.   The flight from Mersah Matrah to El Adem took place from 1240 to 1510 hrs on the same day.   I think it finishes on the approach to El Adem where they stopped for the night.

There is no sound with this clip.   This clip runs for 3 mins 5 secs.

(Thanks to Toby Iles for original film.)
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