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93sqnpic913.jpg, 19372 bytes
This records an incident in July 1956 when the new Wing Commander Flying "Woody" Woodward was Dined In to the Mess - Page 6.   Gerry Shipley's notes record the following: "I was dined in on the same night as Hammer West's replacement (Vic Woodward). I remember parts of the evening very well, especially when Sandy Sanderson became irritated that the new Wing Commander repeatedly beat him at leg-wrestling. Sandy showed his displeasure by picking Vic up and dropping him on to the anteroom floor from shoulder height.   At this point the Wg Cdr disappeared and there was general displeasure that the new boss should be a wimp; however, he returned about 30 minutes later, having been to sick quarters to get attention for his broken collar bone and complaining about the handicap of now having to drink left-handed.   As a typical 20 year old know-all, I assumed that the Wingco Flying was clearly old, past it and definitely boring.   Not too long ago, I put his name into Google and was surprised to find that he had had a much more interesting history than I'd given him credit for; his achievements include being listed among the RAF BIPLANE aces of WW2.
[Click to see Woody's full story.]"   (Thanks to RAF Museum.)
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