
Fighter Bomber Wing 38 "Friesland" in Upjever
Written in English and German by
Hartmut Feldmann and Wilfried Zetsche
Modern Luftwaffe Unit History Series No. 03
Price: €14.95/£10.14
2005 ISBN 3-935687-52-4
Published by AirDOC Aircraft Documentations, Wilhelmstrasse 2b, 91054 Erlangen, Germany Tel: 00-49-9131-52828
FAX: 00-49-9131-539119
E-mail: andreasklein@ak-airdoc.de
Web site: http://www.vdmedien.de
65 pages total, over 128 photographs (nearly all colour), 3 pages on pre-RAF period; 4 pages on RAF period; and 58 pages on post-RAF period.