weavers were fascinating to see and we stayed a while watching, almost hypnotised by their movements. I bought a small fine woollen table cloth whilst there and kept it for many years.

To the south, and east of Keitum, was the hamlet of Morsum. It was a distance from the airfield and it was there on some marshy meadows that the target drogues were dropped by the towing aircraft. I was sent there for an afternoon's stint to supervise the scoring and phone the results back to the Squadrons. The Mosquito and Tempest pilots came in low and were very accurate with their drops. The Mosquitos carried a drogue operator. I regret to this day the time when, for some unimportant reason, I turned down the opportunity to fly in this role. I would, with hindsight, have loved to have had the fact that I had flown in a wooden wonder entered in my Log Book.

After a detachment marked by bad weather, and remembered by my going into the overshoot, and that tinned blackcurrants were on the Mess menu as a sweet after every meal except breakfast, it was time to prepare for our departure and the drive to Wunstorf.

Tommy Balfour (right) and the author standing under the sign pointing
to the Café Kliffsruh. The weaver's thatched house is to the left.