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F540 Operations Record Book November 1952 NO 4 SQUADRON.
PRO Kew No. AIR27 Piece 2590 Microfilm Row1 Draws 52-71
R.A.F. Jever 3.11.52  
Flying was restricted to-day by the temporary employment of some of our pilots 
on restoring the Officers Mess after last Friday's Halloween Ball.  Such flying as 
did take place was devoted to aerobatics, a low level cross country flight, and 
an exchange of aircraft at the Finishing Flight, R.A.F. Fassberg.
     There was also, immediately following Met. Briefing, a lecture on the Signals
Organisation in 2nd T.A.F.        
                                                 6 Sorties   9 hrs   45 mins.
The day was largely spent on cine work.  Indeed, there were twenty such sorties, working
through the ranging and tracking syllabus.  One pilot continued practice for his
Green Instrument Rating.
                                                 22 Sorties  18 hrs   40 mins.
Appropriately, the Jever Wing today sent its pilots to the air to ground and rocket 
range at Meppen.  The weather, however, was most unsuitable -  a steady drizzle 
accompanying the walk over the range. 
                                                 No Flying.
     A lecture was given by the Wing Commander Flying on the Control and Reporting 
Organisation in 2nd T.A.F.   Further sorties on cine exercises were flown: and one 
pilot  passed the Instrument Rating Test for a Green Card.

                                                 13 Sorties  9 hrs   25 mins.
The weather was bad.  It has been showery most of the week, but this morning, a very 
unstable, cold northerly airstream brought frequent large cummular storms from the
North Sea, and curtailed flying to a little battle formation.  A contributory factor
to the present low rate of flying in the Squadron is the fact that of a total of
eleven aircraft on strength, only five have been serviceable at most during the week.
                                                 4 Sorties  2 hrs   55 mins.
Station Commander's parade, followed by a programme of lectures.
                                                 1 Sortie          35 mins.
The principle task today consisted of eight sorties to the air to ground range at 
Meppen.   This was our first day on the new range.   During the afternoon conditions 
became steadily more unsatisfactory, until by 15.00 hours firing had to stop. 
The range at this hour is directly into sun: today this and patches of low cloud 
made firing dangerous, because targets could not be identified until very late in 
the dive.   One of our pilots - an ex-A.F.S. National Service Officer - was sent
to R.A.F. Wunstorf to practice G.C.A.s.
			        19 Sorties 11 hours 15 minutes.
High level (30,000 ft.) cross countries and a useful number of cine missions were 
flown.   A new pilot, Flying Officer Phillips, who is a Q.F.I., was posted in today,
making our strength up to 15 pilots.
			    23 Sorties 17 hours 40 minutes.
We lost three of our pilots temporarily - Squadron Leader Williamson, Flying Officer
Beaton and Flying Officer Phillips - to play rugby for the station against R.A.F. 
Utersen.   This away match was drawn 6 - 6.   Two others, Flying Officer Clayton
and Pilot Officer Molden, went to Meppen range for their pre-shoot inspection.
The remainder flew some aerobatics and close formation sorties before stopping 
work for sports afternoon.
			            6 Sorties 5 hours 00 minutes.
The Squadron had been allocated today for flying at Meppen.   A fine programme was 
arranged, giving ten pilots an average of four sorties each, totalling twenty 
seven hours' flying time, between 09.00 hours and 16.30 hours.   This was to be 
followed later by night flying.   Unfortunately the weather was very poor - 300 feet 
cloud base, intermittent heavy rain and visibility down to nil.   The weather 
at the range has been adequate all day; but landing conditions here near the North 
Sea coast have been most unsatisfactory.   Three ineffectual stabs were made : each 
time the section had to return hurriedly under difficult conditions.
			     5 Sorties 1 hour 20 minutes.
The Squadron was to provide duty battle flight today.  There were no missions due to 
fog lasting throughout the whole day.  Lectures and practical ground training were
undertaken instead. 
                                                 No Flying.
A lecture on Vampire hydraulics followed by a tour of inspection of the A.S.F. provided
instructive relief from the sight of a steady downpour of rain, sleet and snow. 
                                                 No Flying.
Snow and ice stopped all flying bar an air test.   Battle Flight was kept at an 
hour's availability all day.   Ground Training continued with lectures, and some 
practice in G.G.S. film assessment.             1 Sortie  .30 hrs.
The Bishop of Barking, representing the Anglian faith, and the Reverend Dr. 
Edwards, for the P.M.U.B., are visiting R.A.F. Jever this week in the Mission
to the Royal Air Force.   This morning, in their week's itinerary round the 
station, they called on No. 4 Squadron, and spent an hour in close discussion 
with airmen and officers.
		    Because of this call, the Battle Flight was kept at
ease until after lunch, when two missions were flown.   These were normal P.I.s 
against the Oldenburg Battle Flight, at 20,000 ft.   Civil radio interference 
again caused trouble, this time making it impossible to tell whether our I.F.F. 
sets were working.	   16 Sorties 13.05 hrs.
The airfield was red- very low stratus and 1,500 yds visibility all day.   The opportunity 
was taken to carry out checks on Squadron Inventories; there was also a further 
period of G.G.S. film assessment.   The mission to the Royal Air Force is at 
Jever this week.   The team at this station is headed by the Right Rev. the Bishop 
of Barking for the Church of England, and the Rev. Dr. Edwards for the P.M.U.B. 
denominations, and assisted by our own station padres, the Rev Sqn. Ldr. Gray 
and the Rev. Sqn. Ldr. Esau.   Throughout the week the Bishop and Dr. Edwards 
are making a tour of all sections, meeting everyone at work and in their off duty 
periods, in the evening a series of talks is being given by each minister.
To-night, after the evening service No. 4 Squadron was privileged to have the Bishop 
of Barking as their principal guest at a Squadron Guest Night.   A most pleasant 
and enjoyable meal was crowned by a short speech from the Bishop.   No flying.
The same conditions as yesterday stopped flying this morning.   There was a lecture 
on air masses by the met. officer, followed by instructional films.
		                                        After lunch the Battle Flight, 
having been put at an hour, a programme of air to ground firing was started.  The 
first two pairs got off, but had to return without firing because the range had 
disappeared in fog.   Group promptly put us back on active Battle Flight duty - only 
just too late to make an engagement with the Oldenburg flight.   Instead, we split 
up for P.I.s, a pair against a pair.          11 Sorties .40 hrs.
Today, and on Saturday, a series of lectures and demonstrations was given by a 
Survival and Rescue Team.   This planned to brush up pilots' knowledge of the 
methods and equipment used in this branch and to provide up to date information 
on the latest types of apparatus coming into service.
All aircrew attended, battle flight being flown morning and afternoon 
by 'A' and 'B' Flight.   'A' managed six sorties, but 'B' were foiled 
even as they taxied out their first mission, when a message was received 
from Meppen reporting a deterioration in weather sufficient to prevent firing.
         Group put the flight on interception duty and scrambled it; but at angels one three, 
the flight was sent back.   The bad weather was moving rather rapidly north, 
at 1630 hrs. the airfield state was changing to red.
            13 Sorties     7.25 hrs.
The Survival and Rescue programme was completed at lunch time.   One aircraft 
ferried in from R.A.F. Fassberg, and a homer check flown.
                         18 Sorties   1.00 hrs.
R.A.F.Jever 24.11.52  
During this week the entire Squadron attended a course of Ground Combat Training 
under the direction of No. 4 Wing, R.A.F.R.  This course, while providing general
instruction in ground combat, has been designed to give special emphasis to the 
problems involved in the ground defence of the Royal Air Force, Jever.
		    Today, the opening lectures were given by Wg.Cmdr. Alton,
commanding, No 4 Wing and his Squadron Commanders, to the officers and senior 
N.C.O.s of the Squadron.   In the afternoon, there were further lectures on atomic 
warfare and light RESCUE, followed by an instructional film.
                                        Towards the end of the course, during a discussion of 
the methods of presentation and instruction, it was discovered that, as far as the 
students were concerned, some slight re-arrangement of the initial lectures was
desirable.   This would avoid too much verbal repetition and incorporate more 
visual aids and practical demonstration.
     Lectures on the preparation of. and the orders for a defended position, led to 
a demonstration of the same at the edge of a wood near the airfield.   The demonstration 
was strictly limited in that it presented a picture of a flight in position at the 
final stage of alert before attack by the enemy.   However, as such, it was particularly 
vivid, because the precise location of the flight could not detected by the students 
until they were almost right on top of the position.   In the first period after 
lunch a lively and profitable discussion was held on the subjects so far treated.
		The day closed with lectures on chemical warfare, first aid 
and personal protection.
     A double period on protection against the atom bomb preceded a lecture on fire fighting 
in buildings, and a demonstration of fighting petrol and oil fires.   Even more 
impressive than this demonstration was the next - this time of Flight Fire Power. 
At the small arms ranges the full fire power of the rifles and Bren Guns of a Flight
was brought into action simultaneously ; the use of a small percentage of tracer 
ammunition emphasised the rate of fire.   In the afternoon, individual experience
of the various types of small arms was provided.
     Patrols, the use of the L.M.G. as an A.A. weapon and biological warfare were on
the programme : a film on mines and booby traps was not available.   At this point 
the discussion on the course was held.
     Students were invited to criticise freely, and make any suggestions for improvement.
In general it was agreed that the course was of very real benefit to those taking part : 
indeed, there was a strong desire for an even fuller programme - a request which was 
regretfully refused, on the grounds that the result would eventually be a full scale 
Regiment training ground at R.A.F. Jever.   However, several useful ideas were put 
forward and recommended for inclusion in future courses.
     A Tactical Exercise without troops was held at the actual site which No. 4 
Squadron would be called upon to defend in the event of the airfield being subjected 
to attack by attack by ground forces.   This site, the north east dispersal, has 
one principal disadvantage as a defended locality.  It is enclosed on three sides 
by a dense wood.   Such an obstacle, while offering considerable camouflage for defence, 
does precisely the same for the attacker, and imposes severe limitations on the full 
development of the L.M.G.s fire power.  However, our class split up into two groups, 
reccing the area and investigating possible sites.   Finally, we returned to the
lecture room and there thrashed out in great detail, the pros and cons of the three
principal systems of defence proposed.


This morning the Squadron joined up to work together, airmen and officers being 
divided into three flights.   During the week our airmen have been principally 
engaged in learning about the weapons they will use.   The characteristics, limitations,
weaknesses etc., have been studied and each airman has completed a course of firing. 
There have been lectures on fieldcraft, fire control, defending positions, and practical
training in field work.
                           We took post in the actual section positions which we would 
use in the event of war.   Weapons were sited, flight and squadron headquarters manned, 
and patrol routes planned.   All positions were inspected by Wg.Cmdr. Alton and 
Sqn. Ldr. Williamson and final recommendations adopted. 
                                This morning's exercise concluded the week's training.   After
lunch there was some flying, a formation practicing tactical manoeuvring, and an
individual sortie on aerobatics.                              4 Sorties - 3.30 hrs.
		A poor month, so far as purely flying hours were concerned, but
highly productive in other ways.   A spell of bad weather beginning on the 13th. and 
continuing to the 27th., and the cessation of all flying between 24th & 28th,
allowed the Squadron to achieve only just over 90% of its target.   However, a visit 
by the Survival and Rescue team provided a good opportunity for aircrew to refresh their 
knowledge of this branch.   A week's course on Ground Combat Training prepared us 
for battle on the ground.  All but two of our pilots visited the new range at Meppen.
Advantage was taken of the bad weather to work through much of the ground training 
syllabus.   Finally, the Mission to the Royal Air Force came to Jever during the 
week beginning the 17th.
              Flying.       Individual,               11.45,
                                Interception,          11.50,
                               Sqdn. & Wing Exs, 21.40,
                               Air Support
                               Navigation,             12.35,
                               Weapons at Base,  43.55,
                               Night Flying,              .30,
                                 Total Vampire,     102.15
                                 Total Meteor            4.05    
                                 Grand Total,         106.20    
signed PGK Williamson...S/LDR
  Officer Commanding,
    No. 4 Squadron,
    R.A.F. JEVER.         
signed....ENH Lack.........FG.OFF.
    (E.N.H. LACK)
    Compiling Officer,
    No. 4 Squadron,
    R.A.F. Jever.