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Brian Butterworth's Final Mess Bill on the Squadron - Dec60.   The top is the original in DM as at 31Dec60 and the bottom version has been converted to £ and updated for inflation.   The exchange rate at about this time was believed to be DM11.80 to the £ and, using the Retail Price Index, the value of the £ has decreased by 16 times.   So these figures are at approximately today's prices.   This was clearly a heavy month for several reasons.   The Squadron was to disband at the end of the month so there were many farewell parties - it looks as though Brian threw his own party at home on the 16th.   The Squadron was on detachment at Sylt Gunnery Camp at which we won the Duncan Trophy - and, of course, it was Christmas with a Xmas Draw Ball and a New Year's Eve Ball.   All liquor purchases had to be made through your "Bar Book" (Click to see an example.) - no cash was allowed.   This allowed the senior officers to keep a check on the drinking habits and be prepared to step in if consumption was getting excessive.

The first column "Messing" is the cost of any meals taken in the Mess.   As a living out officer in quarters, any meals taken in the mess had to be paid for.   The next column is for "booze" at the bar or during Dining-In functions.   The third column "Home Consumption" is where officers would draw their requirements for hosting parties and dinners.   Note that Brian was also charged for "Containers" in the fourth column - this is for kegs, bottles and crates for liquor.   Any that you returned were credited in red - in this case they made a mistake and charged for them again instead of giving Brian credit.   This had to be adjusted in the bottom right-hand corner to take it off twice.   There was an adding error in the line for the 30th and this had to be corrected in the bottom right-hand corner when DM10.50 was deducted.   This showed the need for sound mathematical skills and a need to check your Mess Bill carefully!   The next two columns cover money spent in the Officers Club, which at this time was upstairs in the Officers' Mess.   Again food and wine were charged for.   The next two columns are for bills transferred from other Officers' Mess - in this case Sylt.   The miscellaneous column covers a multitude of minor charges.   Library and Staff Gratuities are obvious.   Accommodation and Garage would be charged for if you were single and living in the Mess.   From time to time members would be asked to contribute to a Wedding Gift from all the officers for a member who got married whilst on the Station.   Five items have been added by hand and are self-explanatory covering the Xmas Draw Dance and the New Year's Eve Ball.   The operation of the Mess had to be paid for and this came partly from Mess Subs and Maintenance Contributions.   Sports equipment used by the officers was paid for by everyone and the cost of entertaining guests, both local dignitaries and visiting officials, was shared "pro rata" according to rank and contributions collected on Mess Bills.   The Silver fund had several uses.   A new Officer might contribute to this until he had paid sufficient to buy a "Tankard" which he presented to the Mess and/or Squadron on posting out.   The Station Commander and or the President of the Mess Committee would see these bills each month, especially any that were considered excessive.   Officers had until the 10th - "the dreaded 10th! also known as "Der Tag"" - of the next month to settle their Mess Bills.   (Thanks to Brian Butterworth.)
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