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315. After the briefings we were issued with plastic ear plugs and taken out to the taxiway half way down the runway.   There was then a scramble of a series of Phantoms at 30 second intervals.   The runway was too narrow to allow formation take-offs.
Left to right: Pamela Lowe; John Cater; Bill Blake; Eileen Sambrooks; Gunter Kipp; Ken Sambrooks;
Tom Megan; Karl-Heinz Krueger, Mayor of Wittmund; Sir Patrick Hine with camera; Dirk Wernick back to runway; Mick Ryan at rear; Norman Giffin looking down at camera; Pete Jones; Eric McFee behind;
Trish Pollock; Ernie Lack; Ann Roberts; Robbie Roberts; Ken Goodwin; Trevor Pailing with stick;
Jeff Jeffrey arms folded; Peter Hahn's colleague who also briefed us; Mary Pearce; Pete Hunwick;
Peter Hahn; Pete Jennings.   (Thanks to Eddie McCullagh.)
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