Sagar |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
112 Sqn pilot. |
5Jan53. |
10Feb53 demobilised. |
Notes: A new arrival on the squadron, while operating from Butzweilerhof, ran out of fuel and was obliged to bale out. He came down safely by parachute and his aircraft crashed near a pumping station. The rest of the formation landed rather low on fuel due to the bad weather and lack of radio contact. Sagar's particular shortage was due to having left his flaps down-29Jan53. |
Salter |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
29 Page Road, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, CO15 3AE. (2009) |
briansalter1937@hotmail.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
101 SU. |
56. |
59. |
Notes: Sv No: 4184297. Brian wrote 13Jan09: "I have to admit to an almost moist eye when looking at your web site and the old photos! Looking back on those three years (1956-59) they hold some of my happiest times. I had a happy 30+ years on B Telecoms but nothing comes close to the comradeship of those long ago days. What would be the icing on the cake if I some how make contact with any old mates from that time. We also had a few Dutch Air Force boys with us, one was Henk van Roosmalen who came back with me on leave once, then took me to meet his family near Utrecht. Bits and pieces are coming back to me now and I remember things I had long forgoptten about. I just can't tell you how grateful I am to you for jogging my memory. I even had my 16 year old grandson looking at the web site and thinks I maybe the batter in the rounders photos." |
Sambrooks |
Address Wife: Eileen |
Telephone |
E-mail |
1 Lawton Court, Oaks Crescent, Chapel Ash, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV3 9SH. |
01902-427787 |
kenneth.sambrooks@btinternet.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn airframes. |
Jan53. |
May55. |
Notes: |
Sanders |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
4 Sqn pilot. |
22May1952. |
Aft May56. |
Notes: Svc No: 583008 Fg Off Sen 5Dec52. Involved in a Category 3 Flying Accident. Vampire FB5 VV543 B-D 11Nov53 Transit Sylt-Jever; premature retraction of undercarriage in gusty cross-wind; sank back onto runway at Sylt. Married in UK Mar54. Returned for reinforcement training on 4 Sqn for two weeks from 21Jan57. |
Sands |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Vocalist with Jade Basin 5+1. |
57. |
58. |
Notes: |
Saunders |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
British Airways |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
118 Sqn pilot |
Bef Sep55. |
16Jan56 at end of 4 year service. |
Notes: |
Sawford |
Address Wife: Marge |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
2 Sqn. Instrument Mechanic. |
About 59/60. |
About 59/60. |
Notes: |
Sawyer |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Gatwick, Surrey (1996) |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
98 Sqn pilot. |
Oct54. |
12Nov55 to Flying Wing Adj. Left 98 Sqn 11Jul56. |
Notes: |
Sawyer J |
Address Wife: Diane. |
Telephone |
E-mail |
UK 2014). |
jd.sawyer@zen.co.uk |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
79 Sqn and ASF groundcrew detached from Gutersloh. |
60. |
62. |
Notes: On 18Dec13 John wrote "I do have fond memories of Group Captain Smith and his personal police force, photographs and very happy memories of the Theatre Group. Also a few pictures of Swifts which I was not so happy about but it was a machine of the times. I will drag a few bits together over the next few weeks and pass them on to you. Incidentally, we moved back to Gutesloh en masse as squadrons, 20 and 14 being Hunters. We flew down without drop tanks, which were coming by road, and on this same day the Russians made several incursions into the air corridor to Berlin, and I understand that the Station Flight Anson was sent to try to intercept the convoy carrying the drop tanks, last seen somewhere near Hamburg. Some inside knowledge, perhaps. lang="en" |
Saye |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
jeremy@thesayes.co.uk |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
14 Sqn pilot. |
Mar61. |
Sep61. |
Notes: Arrived 26 Sqn RAF Gutersloh, Sep '59. Transferred to 14 Sqn when 26 (and 20) were disbanded on 31 Dec '60. Detached to RAF Jever March - Sept 1961, when Gutersloh's runway was being re-surfaced, and passenger terminal re-vamped to handle trooping. Had marvellous time at Jever (met the lovely Alison Fraser!), but incurred wrath of Station Commander by 'manipulating' the stats during an evening Readiness Call-out, when all the squadron pilots were downtown at a pop concert, leaving me, as Orderly Officer, to 'check-in' all aircraft as ready for operations! Had a little trouble with wet cobblestones and a lamp post in Aug '61, and was Cat 3-ed back to UK with punctured lung. Still in touch with several ex-124/122 Wing folks: Pat King, Jim Browne, Ted Wood, David Brook, Tony Edmunds amongst others. |
Scholes |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqngroundcrew. |
Bef Jan57. |
Aft Jan57. |
Notes: |
Scott I |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
17 Kale Close, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 3LE (2007). |
0151-625-1735 |
ian.scott@ourhomenet.co.uk |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Met Off. |
Nov57. |
Jan59. |
Notes: |
Scott M |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Nursing Sister in PMRAFNS Maternity Unit. |
7Jan60. |
Aft 31Dec60. |
Notes: Took over from Margraet Rose. |
Sefton |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
4 Sqn Photographer. |
Mid. 55. |
57. |
Notes: On 22Apr19 John wrote: "I arrived at Jever in mid 1955 on completion of my trade course as a photographer. This was National Service and I was discharged as SAC in early 1957. I remember the Sabre and also the arrival of the Hunters. Whilst I was there I was given a trip in a Vampire. Those were happy days and as well as playing rugby and football I was in the cross-country running team and went to quite a few events in northern Germany." |
Senar |
Address Wife: Margaret (died 23Jun20) |
Telephone |
E-mail |
9 Flacca Court, Field Lane, Tattenhall, Chester, Cheshire CH3 9PW (Nov2004) |
01829-771186 |
kennethsenar@mac.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn pilot. 122 Wg Adjutant. Then to GCI. |
93-21Sep53 Sabres. 122-11Mar55. |
93-11Mar55. 122-2Sep55. |
Notes: Born: 22Jun33. Svc No. 2538834 Ken lost his flying medical category on 9Feb55. Ken Senar told me 8Apr05 that Flt. Lt. 'Len' (I think) Higgins was Education Officer. He later became Sqn. Ldr. but stayed at Jever. He gave tuition to officers about to take their promotion exams. I took mine at Oldenburg - and passed. Des browne actually congratulated me! My Flt. Lt. didn't come through until (at least I didn't know it had come through a few days before I collapsed and nearly died after coming off watch at 210 SU, Auenhausen, just a few minutes into Christmas morning, 1957. I came round in BMH Rinteln during the Queen's Speech. I only put my new rank up just before I came home on the trooper - just so that I got a better berth - and a cup of tea at Reveille! That was the end of my RAF service, all bar the shouting. Grp. Capt. Powell-Shedden, 'Fo-Fo', died late in 1994. His obituary appeared in the Daily Telegraph, dated 10/11/94. I have a copy. It was he who gave me the nickname 'Pod' in the bar on the night of my arrival at Jever. Pod 'Papa Oscar Delta' was my unofficial call-sign when I was a GCI controller at Borgentreich/Auenhausen. I used it to identify myself over the R/T to 93 Sqn pilots when I was controlling them. The Russian monitoring stations must have wondered what was going on! From e-mail 24Sep05:"For myself I was, as a further extraneous duty, appointed as Officer i/c visits by Air Squadrons and Summer Camps. A chain of coincidences arose out of one such University Air Squadron visit: One Derek Needham a Cadet arrived with his Squadron. He and I had been to school together. Later, after leaving Jever and joining the Fighter Control Course at Middle Wallop, Derek turned up on the same course. After the course was finished I was posted to 537 SU at RAF Borgentreich, near Warburg. Two months later Derek appeared at the same Unit! The names of two of the batwomen in our block were Frau Pinnau (my shared batwoman) and Frau Gabe (pronounced "garbay"). Both, as were most others, were displaced persons from the Russian zone. There was, I think, another woman called Frau Rust. Our batwomen were 'straight', not like two in the block on the the other corner of the Mess gardens rectangle who were widely suspected of having lesbian tendencies, with a bed in their ironing room. From Ron Gray's Notes (21Mar06): "Pod suffered from a number of migraine attacks and had to remain in his room for days in darkness. Migraine was something I'd not come across previously, and it was all a bit mysterious. He lived opposite to Les Bradley and when Pod was posted out I took over his room as my 'dark room' to develop and print my black and white films. Think others used the facilities, or my facilities, as well."
Shallow |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
OC Elec & Inst Sect, Tech Wg Eng Off. |
Bef Jan60. |
Dec61. |
Notes: Svc. No: 48309. Worked with Brian Thornton, 4 Sqn on Gunsights. |
Sharp |
Address Wife's Name: Claire |
Telephone |
E-mail |
34 Tithby Road, Bingham, Nottinghamshire NG13 8GP (2004) |
01949-838843 |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
No 2 Squadron B Flt Cdr. |
Nov58. |
Jun61. |
Notes: |
Sharp R |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
No 98 Squadron pilot |
About 1956. |
Notes: |
Sharratt |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
14 Coupe Green, Highton, Lancashire, PR5 0JR (2010). |
01254-852978 |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
101SU, Leave Clerk. |
About 55. |
About 57. |
Notes: Tom became an accomplished reporter and Sub Editor on The Guardian newspaper. |
Shaw A |
Address Wife: Hazy |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
CO 101 SU, Brockzetel |
Before Nov1956. |
After Nov 1958. |
Notes: |
Shaw I |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
No 93 Squadron pilot |
January 1951 |
Before Oct 1953. |
Notes: Eric Pigdon's Notes 23 Nov04.I Shaw had left by Oct 53. |
Shearer |
Address Wife: Diane |
Telephone |
E-mail |
22 St Andrews Drive, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, CW7DV and Jersey (2007). |
01477 537327 |
mmshearer@btinternet.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
4 Sqn pilot. |
6Oct55. |
22Sep57. |
Notes: 53 trained in Canada. British Airways. Eric Pigdon's Notes 23 Nov04. Mitch Shearer 4 Sqn 54-56 period. |
Shelley |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Bef 22May57. |
Aft 29Jun57. |
Notes: Athletics team captain. |
Shepherdson |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
101 Sigs Unit Brockzetel |
About 1955 |
About 1957. |
Notes: Talented artist and keen on amateur dramatics. Painted the Watson family in oils in 1957. Did a drawing and wood engraving of the Jever Flying Wing HQ which was used on the 1955? RAF Jever Christmas Card. |
Shevlin |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Air Defence RAF Reg. |
Glub Pasha in Jordan before Jever. 1960 RAF Int Off in Aden. |
Notes: Eric Pigdon told Mick Ryan telecon 21Nov2004 |
Shore |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
98 Sqn pilot. |
6Oct55. |
15Jul57. |
Notes: |
Short |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
SAC 101 SU |
Bef Apr58. |
Aft Apr58. |
Notes: Played Rugby for RAF Jever XV. |
Shuttleworth |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
> |
robertshuttleworth@blueyonder.co.uk |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
112 Sqn Armourer Mech. |
12May51 Fassberg 11Mar52 Jever. |
1Jul53 to Bruggen Dec53 to UK. |
Notes: I was a member of 112 Squadron when it was reformed back in 1951, I was with a batch of airmen on the boat train posted to RAF Fassberg, some of which were joining 118 Squadron. I stayed with the Sqdn through to RAF Jever 11th of March 1952 and RAF Bruggen 1st of July 1953, leaving in December of the same year. |
Simmons |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Outer Basket? |
Notes: |
Simms |
Address Wife: Dorothy |
Telephone |
E-mail |
1 Frant Avenue, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN39 4NG (2007) |
01424-846876 |
william.simms54@btinternet.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
4 Sqn pilot. |
Jun53. |
Aft 16Dec55. |
Simpson |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
A Flt Cdr 93 Sqn. |
Bef Feb52. Jever 3Mar52. |
19May52. |
Notes: Eric Pigdon's Notes 23 Nov04. Simpson Al Paterson would have taken over from him. |
Sing |
Address Wife: Ann |
Telephone |
E-mail |
(1987) |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
OC Admin Wing. |
About 1954. |
After 22Jun57. |
Notes: Eric Pigdon's Notes 23 Nov04. Jack Sing OC Admin Wing? 1954-56 Took over from Wg Cdr Russell Bell. Name to Russell-Bell in later years. |
Skene |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Senior Equipment Officer. |
Bef May55. |
Aft May55. |
Notes: Ken Senar told me 8Apr05 that Sqn. Ldr. 'Andy' Skene was Chief Equipment Officer over Robin Sandle. A Scottish Sqn. Ldr. was there before him (name forgotten). Andy went seriously sick, and I can't remember who replaced him. |
Slaney |
Address Wife: Inge |
Telephone |
E-mail |
To S Africa 2007. |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
4 Sqn pilot |
28Nov56. |
Aft 59. |
Notes: |
Smith |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
British Caledonian Airways Limited |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
4 Sqn pilot. |
7Jan53. |
Jun55 92 Sqn Linton. |
Notes: Svc No: 3509934 Fg Off 25Jul53. From Ron Gray's Notes (21Mar06): "Another North East man, from Ashington, Northumberland if my memory serves well. After the Sylt missing wheel incident, over which I was feeling a trifle low, Bob took me to his room and showed me a plaque on his wall that said, "If you never make a mistake, you'll never make anything". So we went to the bar! Bob, I heard from my meeting with Ian M., had been doing forward ground control in the Suez affair. Their Landrover was hit by a Royal Navy missile but fortunately they escaped serious injury." |
Smith D |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
9 Duchess Close, Rochester, Kent, ME2 3TX. |
meadhays@live.co.uk |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
98 Sqn Aircraft Servicing Flt. |
56. |
58. |
Notes: |
Smith J |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
The Old Telephone Exchange, Rectory Road, Ruskington, Lincs. NG34 9AB (2007) |
john_30@sky.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Ground Radar (Eureka & BABS) |
About 59. |
About 60 |
Notes: |
Smith |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
GLO? |
Bef Oct52. |
Aft Jan53. |
Notes: |
Smith KF |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Honolulu, USA. |
kenfsmith@aol.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Nat Serv. SAC Pay Accts. |
Late52. |
Jan53. |
Notes: On 12Oct09 Ken wrote: "I grew up in Kent and the greater London area during and immediately after the war - watched the Battle of Britain from my backyard in Loose - except for a year evacuation to S. Wales, and then the doodle bugs. (Nr where Mick Ryan was living at the time!) Attended Maidstone Grammar School (where I was in the ATC and took my first flight in a Tiger Moth!)(same as Mick Ryan), Whitchurch Secondary near Cardiff, and Harrow County School when we moved to Ruislip. Then the family moved to Newquay, Cornwall where I worked as a clerk for the County Council, until I was 18 and got called up and joined the RAF. After square bashing at Padgate, I was sent to Pershore to be a "copper", but balked. Because I had some slight civilian experience as a General Clerk was sent to Wyton, where I was assigned to Pay Accounts - and met Johnny Davis. Johnny impressed me as a really first class guy - He not only taught me my new duties on-the-job in the office, but was sociable as well. I was happy for him when he was selected for pilot training. [Although I'd always wanted to fly, since I wore glasses, I'd already been screened out at Padgate as ineligible for flying training.] I stayed at RAF Wyton until December 1951 when I volunteered for Germany and right after Christmas spent about three weeks at Lytham - including New Year's in Blackpool - before going to Luneburg. Later that year we transferred by convoy to RAF Ahlhorn, near Oldenburg; then still later detached to Jever to open the new base. I remember Wing Commander Bryant-Fenn as the CO. Stayed at Jever until demobbed in January 1953. While at Wyton, I was invited to the Air Ministry in London to interview for a National Service Commission. Did OK on the tests, however I washed out because I didn't have "OQ". As I was walking out at the conclusion of the interview, I distinctly recall one of the board members sneering to another "Who the Hell does he think he is? Bloody Grammar School boy getting above himself - the bugger can't even ride a bloody horse!" [which was one of the interview questions.] As a working class scholarship boy to MGS with a 25% Irish heritage, that remark reinforced some family prejudices vs. the "upper" class that set the tone and direction for the rest of my life! In May 1953 I emigrated to the US - New York - and enlisted in the USAF. Served 4 years in South Carolina, Japan and Washington State - made Staff Sergeant - then took the "GI Bill" to stay in the Reserves, attend the University of Connecticut, take Reserve Officer Training, then return to active duty with a commission on graduation. [Ironically, while at UCONN, in 1958 I received an award from the "Sons of the American Revolution" as the Outstanding Air Force Cadet, while another English Expat got the other award as the Outstanding Army Cadet!] Anxious to resume a career, I accelerated my academic program and graduated before I had completed the ROTC program, but received a direct commission in January 1960 as an Outstanding Reserve Airman for New England. But then came Catch 22 - since I wasn't flying qualified, the "needs of the service" criterion intervened - and even though they'd paid for most of my university schooling and officer training, they didn't recall me to full-time active duty. However, I stayed in the Reserves as an Intel. Officer, eventually joined the Foreign Service, and had a concurrent active ready reserve, weekend warrior-type plus emergencies military side-career (promoted to "bird" Colonel - i.e. Group Captain equivalent - in 1978) - in Asia (Vietnam, the Philippines, Korea and Indonesia - as well as the Pentagon and other bases in the US, until retirement in 1991. Still unable to fly officially, I did get a private pilot's license (Cessnas), and also got in a lot of helicopter time in Vietnam and the Philippines during disaster relief operations as a cargo kicker and people puller. I also had a concurrent additional duty as a Liaison Officer for the Air Force Academy & ROTC Programs, and served on a Congressional Service Academy - i.e. Air Force, West Point, Annapolis & Merchant Marine Academies - Advisory Board, and was Chairman of that board for several years, until I left the Washington DC area in January of this year to settle in my Eagle Eyrie condo in Honolulu." |
Smith MT |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Nov60. |
31Dec61. |
Notes: |
Smith P |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
4 Sqn pilot Stn Flt Cdr. |
4-Bef 54, Stn Flt-29Nov56. |
4-29Nov56, Stn Flt Nov57. |
Notes: From Ken Senar letter in JSL files dated 2Dec90. From Eric Pigdon 6Jun05 Peter was Unit Test Pilot at Wraughton MU in 1974. From Ron Gray's Notes (21Mar06): "Pete and I had a regular squash game. Looking back it feels as though we spent hours in that court of an evening, but there was also a bowling alley next door, which occupied some time. It had a dished wooden lead up to the pins that allowed cunning wandering of the bowl to get the outside pegs. Pete and I spent a few weekends in Gronigen over the Dutch boarder. He was owner of a more up to-date car than my 1937 squadron Opel (bought for £25.00 and sold for £25.00 every time) and we were pulled on one occasion by the Dutch Police for not displaying two headlights. We explained that when the lights were dipped, only the nearside (in England) remained alight. He would have none of this and commanded we showed two lights main beam or not! Pete also attended the Dutch Motor Cycle GP at Assen in 1954. I should have joined the coach for this but the AOC had more clout so I accepted his invitation, waved the boys off in the coach and stepped into my VW Beetle, which was provided free of charge. We both managed to get to the 1955 GP however." |
Sneddon |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Attached to 93 Sqn for air experience for 2 months. |
31st October 1960. |
31st December 1960 |
Notes: |
Soni |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Dentist. |
Notes: |
Sowray |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn Sgt. pilot. |
Nov50. 3Mar52 from Celle. |
27Mar52. Back to 145 Sqn Celle in exchange for Sgt Webster. |
Notes: Eric Pigdon's Notes 23 Nov04. Sowray Before Oct 53. |
Spooner G |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
19 Harwood Road, Busselton, Western Australia. 6280 (2007) |
0061 897524695 |
bargeo@aapt.net.au |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
118 Sqn Engines Fassberg and Jever. |
Notes: |
Stanbrook |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
koorbnats@hotmail.co.uk |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
4 Sqn armourer. |
56. |
59. |
Notes: On 14Jan13 Mike wrote: "Have read with interest some of the escapades that the jever steam laundry have published. I remember some things as though it was yesterday, Allan Pollock riding his Vincent black shadow down the runway, Bush Barrey drawing unmentionables with vapour over the skies of Jever,etc." |
Standish |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn pilot. |
19Sep52. |
14Oct53. Demob. |
Notes: |
Staniforth |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
1 Wing Signals Troup, 11th Air Formation Signals. |
1954. |
1956. |
Notes: On 11Feb17 Reg wrote: "Wonderful site and brilliant photographs. I had a great time serving at RAF Jever and carry lots of fond memories. I served with an amazing bunch of people and wouldn't have missed it for the world. I will try to send photographs as I have quite a few. Kinds Regards, Reg. |
Stanley |
Address Wife: Elizabeth |
Telephone |
E-mail |
8 Marsons Drive, Crick, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN6 7TD (2010) |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
101SU Radar plotter. |
57. |
58. |
Notes: |
Stevens |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Notes: |
Stickwell |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn pilot. |
Before Summer 55. |
After Summer 55. |
Notes: Name painted on side of Sabre F.4 R. [Click to see]. |
Stone |
Address Wife: Antonia (Toni) |
Telephone |
E-mail |
USA (2007). |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn A Flt Cdr. Leader 2TAF Gunnery Team which won the USAFE Gunnery Trophy 1960. 2TAF Solo Aerobatic Display Pilot |
3Feb59. |
31Dec60. |
Notes: |
Stratford |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
OD Padre. |
Bef Dec53. |
Aft Dec53. |
Notes: |
Sturman |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
C/o: blakehk@aol.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn pilot. |
30Mar51, Jever 3Mar52. |
21Sep53. |
Notes: Svc No: 198919 F/L: 4Jun53. Short Service Commission ends: 6Nov56. Grand-daughter Helen Blake made an entry in Guestbook 1Aug05. Harry and his wife have just celebrated their Diamond Wedding anniversary. |
Styles |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Airfield Construction Branch Detachment |
After Sep54. |
about 57. |
Notes: From Robbie Roberts letter 9Mar05. |
Sullivan |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
18,Hambledon Court, Holmwood Gardens,Wallinton,Surrey.SM6 0HN (2011) |
rsullivan2@sky.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
2 Sqn & Radio Serv Flt Nat Serv. |
Apr58. |
Oct59. |
Notes: On 17Aug11 Ron wrote: "For my sins I left school at 17 did an apprenticeship for 5 years. The powers that be said you will do 2 years national service, hence my arrival in the RAF and in Jever and 2 Sqd. Upon demob I went back to the construction industry until I retired in between in 1986 I had a stroke. I then used a computer to continue my work, also did rehabilitation at RAF Headley Court. So in one way and another I have been linked to the RAF." |
Summers |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Channel Airways |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
98 Sqn Pilot. |
1Dec56. |
15Jul57. |
Notes: |
Sumner |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
2 Sqn Pilot. |
Sep60. |
After Jan 1961. |
Notes: |
Sutherland |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
N Scotland. |
01408 633276 |
seppi917k@supanet.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn |
Late 54. |
Late 56. |
Notes: |
Talbot |
Address Wife: Sheila |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Talbot@fighterpilot.co.uk |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn pilot |
28Feb57. |
10Aug59. |
Notes: Eric Pigdon's Notes 23 Nov04. Gordon Talbot arrived about Mid 56 93 Sqn. |
Taylor R |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Rosa 1982, 17 Cala Helsinki, San FulgenciaLa Marina URB,Alicante 03177 (2007). |
0034 96697630 |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
118 Sqn Rigger Fassberg. |
Not Jever. |
Not Jever. |
Notes: |
Telfer |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn pilot. |
27Apr53. |
21Jul54. |
Notes: |
Thirston |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Overseas |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Notes: |
Thomas |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
MT Officer. |
5Aug53. |
Feb56. |
Notes: |
Thomas A |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
6 Boston Road, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9JE. |
01529-461403 |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Author of 98Sqn history. |
Notes: Email bounced 3Mar06 thomas@wynyardhouse.freeserve.co.uk. |
Thomas D |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn Sgt pilot. |
13May51. 3Mar52 from Celle. |
7Nov53. |
Notes: Svc No: 4034408. NCO Service due end: 7Dec56. |
Thomas K |
Address Wife: Diana(deceased 25Feb06) |
Telephone |
E-mail |
4 Oaklands Drive, Bridgend, Bridgend, Wales CF31 4SH (2004) |
01656 668433 |
thomas@oaklandsdrive4.freeserve.co.uk |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Station Medical Officer. |
Sep58. |
1960 |
Notes: |
Thomson |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
MT Driv Instr. |
14Jan54. |
Jul56. |
Notes: |
Thomson T |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Pilot 112 Sqn. |
About 53. |
Aft 53. |
Notes: |
Thoomes |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
thoomes@freenet.de |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Dutch Nat Serv Radio Link Flt. |
57. |
About 59. |
Notes: On 4Feb12 Peter Wrote: "I was stationed at the radio link flight as a dutch national service airmain. The radiostation was situated near a small road behind the NAAFI. When I arrived in 1957 there were about 40 dutch RAF people staying in block 40 and most of them working? in Brockzetel. All went near the end of 1957, two airman stayed, Roel Tol and me. During the winter 57/58 there was a lot of snow between Jever and Brockzetel and the RAF dug out more than 300 cars of the Germans, they had to because in the bunker of Brock were lot of people. I was in at that time in the radiostation and it took them 3 days to get me out. There was plenty of fuel for the generators, snow enough for water and tea and bisquits. The problem was they kept me awake by calling me every hour day and night. My RAF mates were J/T Dennis Potter, from Stockport and John Hudson from Neasden Londen. I came to your site because I was looking for the dutch 118Sqn." |
Thornborough |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
cthornborough@yahoo.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
2 Sqn Eng Ftr. |
Feb58 from Geilenkirchen. |
Jul58. |
Notes: Clive wrote in 2011: "Moved up with 2 Sqn from Geilenkirken, around Feb58. I was a Jnr Tech. engine fitter. Serviced Swifts and hunters in ERS hanger until demob in Jul58. I can be identified by the owner of a Triumph Tiger 100 that I rode up from Geilenkirchen to Jever and continued to make the journey many weekends back down to Nieuwenhagen across the border from geilenkirchen. Before I got posted to Germany in 56 I was at A&A.E.E. Boscombe Down and returned there as a civilian for 16 years. Mainly working on Victors, Hastings and a Navigational Comet 4." |
Tidy |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Junior Medical Officer |
Bef Dec53. |
Aft Dec53. |
Notes: |
Tillner |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Swanage, Dorset. |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Notes: |
Timms |
Address Wife: Jill |
Telephone |
E-mail |
26 Rutland Way,Ryhall,Stamford,Lincs. PE9 4ET (2014). |
01780 762491 |
timms330003836@aol.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn pilot, C Flt Cdr. Member of 93 Sqn and 2TAF Formation Aerobatic Team |
20May57 from 130 Sqn. |
6May59. |
Notes: |
Tite |
Address Wife: Kathy |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Gwar-y-Coed, Solva, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire SA62 6TR (2009) |
01437-721489 |
titesolva@btinternet.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Outer Basket. 14 Sqn pilot. Detached Jever. |
Mar61. |
Sep61. |
Notes: |
Tonge |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
87 Cavendish Road, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire. (2007). |
01625 873700 |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
118 Sqn Engines Fassberg. |
Not Jever. |
Not Jever. |
Notes: |
Topp FL |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Station Signals Officer. |
Bef Jan56. |
Aft Jan56. |
Notes: |
Tottle |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
East London, S Africa (2011). |
zs2abf@vodamail.co.za |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
101SU, Grd Wireless Mech. |
1959. |
1960. |
Notes: peter wrote on 17Apr11: "Hi guys, I'm 74 years old now but still remember walking in a zig zag line back to block 40 after a nights drinking Javer Pilsner in the Kline Beer stube in town. I was a Ground Wirless Mechanic and worked at the Tx or Rx stations out in the bundu outside the Radar type 80 station. We got snowed in many times and ate up all the emergency rations, mainly cheese and bisciuts, Hi and got moaned at in the procces. I have just found this site on the Web. I now live in East London on the South East coast of South Africa were I have lived for more than 30 years. Great to see the picture of the lads at Jever. I was married and when a RAF married quarter became vacant we moved to Married quarters in Oldenburg and commuted by bus (UUg)on a daily basis. When the Germans took over the Radar site I had to stay on and train them (I was only a SAC at the time) Then after the training period I was posted to Berlin and stayed at RAF Gatow and worked at the Transmitter station on camp. Nice to meet up with you all again. My best mate was Doug but can't remember his surname (Old age). Cheers & Beers from Darkest Africa where Lions walk the streets at night and some of them carry AK47's, Hi. I was stationed at 101 S.U. in 1959. Stayed in Block 40, until my wife joined me and then we moved down to Oldenburg and lived in AQM No.58. If anyone that I knew is still alive, I would be happy to hear from them via my Email address :- zs2abf@vodamail.co.za . I live in East London on the South East Coast of South Africa since 1976. Before that I was in Rhodesia and Zambia. Originally I come from Sheffield were I lived when I was called up for National Service as a Ground Wireless Mechanic. Does anyone know and remember us guys that lived in married quarters in Oldenburg. I remember the NAAFI shop and the small cinema. Oh and a corporal nicknamed "HAAKE BECK"." |
Tregear |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
2 Sqn GLO and Flying Wing. |
Bef Oct58 2 Sqn GLO; Bef May59 FW. |
Oct59. |
Notes: |
Tucker |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn pilot. |
Bef. Feb52. Jever 3March52. |
23Jul52. |
Notes: To 266 Sqn. |
Tuppen |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Dentist. |
Notes: |
Tweed |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Off i/c Personnel. |
Bef Feb55. |
Aft Feb55. |
Notes: |
Vasey |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Blandford Forum, Dorset |
tony@vasey.net |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
4 Sqn B Flt Cdr pilot. |
7Apr52. |
15Oct55. |
Notes: Ken Senar told me 8Apr05 that Tony Vasey (4sqn) was selected to be a potential dance partner with Princess Margaret when she visited Oldenburg (I've forgotten why she went there). I was there - something to do with a Guard of Honour, I vaguely recollect. But I well remember the amount of make-up she was wearing - you could have cut layers of it off her. They painted the road outside the Officers Mess because she was coming. That caused quite a furore in critical circles. From Ron Gray's Notes (21Mar06): "Never fazed, but of course he was from the North East also. While I was sorting myself out on the Sylt incident (Click to see full story.) he took over the RT from Boss Gilpin and between us we got the job done quicker. I keep in touch with a fellow trainee who left these shores after National Service and after two days in a Canadian bank decided to join the RCAF. John Snowie Jackaman went up to full Colonel by retirement, and in the course of his career attended the Canadian Armed Forces Staff College where he met Tony Vasey, who was then a Wing Commander, on exchange posting to the college staff." Tony tells me he is 94 in 2022. |
Ventham |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn pilot. |
bef 13Mar59. |
About 31Dec60. |
Notes: |
Vine |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Bruggen, Germany (1996) |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn pilot and Brockzetel Sector radar. |
Aft Apr57. |
Bef May58. |
Notes: Eric Pigdon's Notes 23 Nov04. Arthur Vine arrived after Apr. |
Wade |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
OC of 2 Sqn. |
Pilot about 45. Boss Apr58. |
Pilot about 45. Boss Aug60. |
Notes: |
Walker J E |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn Sgt. pilot. |
Nov50. 3Mar52 from Celle. |
27Jun53 |
Notes: |
Walker |
Address Wife: Barbara |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Ramstein, Germany (1998) |
johnrwalker451@hotmail.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
4 Sqn pilot. Member of winning 2TAF Gunnery Team 1960. Then to 2 Sqn. |
4 Sqn 25Aug59. 2 Sqn 1Jan61. |
4 Sqn 31Dec60; 2 Sqn after Jan61. |
Notes: Extract from "Who's Who 2005" by WebMaster not provided by the subject.
WALKER, Air Marshal Sir John (Robert), KCB 1992; CBE 1978; AFC; Ministry of Defence, 1989-95; b 26 May 1936. rcds; psc. SASO, Strike Comd, 1985-87; Dep. CoS (Ops), HQ AAFCE, 1987-89. Wing Comdr 1970; Gp Capt. 1975; Air Cdre 1980; Air Vice-Marshal 1986; Air Marshal 1991. |
Walker B |
Address Wife: Marion |
Telephone |
E-mail |
32 Braemar Croft, South Hiendley, Barnsley S72 9DB (2007) |
01226 711822 |
bgw13@btinternet.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
101 SU Air defence Operator. |
Dec56. |
Jul58. |
Notes: My RAF National Service began on the 9th August 1956 with basic training in Flight 15 'C' Squadron, RAF Padgate. When time came to choose a trade, along with Sandy Edgar from East Kilbride near Glasgow and Dennis Shreeves from Radstock in Somerset, from the myriad of choices available I opted for 'fighter plotter' not having a clue what it entailed, but at least it sounded interesting. The three of us were subsequently posted to RAF Middle Wallop for ADO training. This course was completed on the 20th November 1956. After that we then hung around for two weeks waiting to be posted, mainly filling time pushing light aircraft out of hangers. Finally in December 1956 we were posted to RAF Jever and not without some relief having avoided the Cyprus trouble going on at the time. We were given leave prior to departure and I well remember Frank Di Rienzo taking a bunch of us to his father's Italian restaurant in London by way of a farewell to the UK celebration before making our way to Liverpool Street Station and on to Harwich. I tried to find that restaurant again a few years ago, but without success. And so in December of that year it was a night voyage from Harwich to the Hook of Holland in HMT Empire Parkeston (I believe) and then by coach through Holland and into Germany to RAF Jever. Our first task as new Air Defence Operator IIs was to clean up Block 40 to make it habitable! The (now historic) terracotta carvings found on each door architrave of Block 40 still spring to mind. I found working at Brockzetel a fascinating experience; fighter plotting, radar operating, ground control interception crews, and finally as Air Exec's Assistant (CCA) in the main Ops room. I think everyone at Jever, whatever their task, was immensely proud of the Second TAAF aerobatic team. I well remember Flt Lt Goodwin performing his stunning aerobatics and negative G turns over the airfield and as Block 40 was fairly close to the airfield perimeter news of these happenings soon brought spectators rushing out to observe the spectacle. I also recall learning of the tragic accident that befell Flt Lt Sanderson from Doncaster during the team's aerobatic display at a USAF base. The news of his death came as a great shock to all of us. In 1957, I managed to save enough money to buy a guitar. At the time Lonny Donegan was in the hit parade and Jever had its own skiffle group. But I was more interested in the trad jazz of the Jade Basin Five plus one and received my first guitar lessons from guitarist Bill de Graaf. Later I used to meet up and practise with Bill's successor, Digger Davidson. I was never good enough to play with the band, but occasionally sat in on their practices. I did have a notebook full of the chord sequences of all the numbers they played, but unfortuantely lost it a few years ago. Those faces in the JB5 are as familiar to me today as if it were only yesterday. Many Saturday nights particularly at the Deutcheshaus and occasionally at the Schutzenhof, especially at Christmas, are well remembered occasions. I shared a ground floor room with Sandy and Dennis until early 1958, but then moved to the top floor of Block 40 and shared with three fine sportsmen. The window of this room was regularly visited by red squirrels. Mick (?) Cunningham was the rugby player of the group; Johnny Miller had been reserve goalkeeper for Hull City; Craig (?) Wilson was a Scottish schoolboy soccer international. M Cunningham is on the back left of one of the rugby sevens photographs on the JSL site. I was the cricketer of the quartet and played for the station. In 1957, I was selected to attend a Second TAAF cricket trial as a wicket keeper, but unfortunately had my thumb broken on the first day of the trial and so wasn't able to play when the station team later toured Holland. A Dutch airman Philip van Dok, a slow spin bowler was our Dutch liason and after our National Service we corresponded regularly. Flt Lt 'Daddy' Doyle is still a familiar name as is Wing Commander 'Tiger' Shaw. I still have the Jade Basin Five Plus one cartoon with the names of the band written on the back and a Royal Air Force Jever 1957 Christmas menu card personally signed by the CO (SWR Hughes) and 'Tiger' Shaw plus a few rather small photographs taken with an old camera. I never took many photographs whilst at Jever much to my disappointment now. I retained my final leave train pass dated April 1958 and stamped Wilhelmshaven Hbf 2, second class itemised Liege, Munster, Krefeld, Aachen and Koln. On leaving the RAF in 1958 I attended teacher training college at the College of the Venerable Bede, Durham and then went into secondary education. In 1968 I transferred to the new middle school system teaching at the very first purpose-built middle school in the country. In 1981, I was appointed to headship at another middle school and took early retirement in 1991. Brian also wrote on 26Jul09 with the following story: Unbelieveably whilst on holiday in St Johann in Titol, Austria a couple of weeks ago Marion and I took a trip by local train to the beautiful village of Westerndorf. Quite by chance we met two German gentlemen and strolled up into the village with them. The village is quite a way from the station. They told us that they too were on holiday and from Northern Germany. On further enquiry one said that he lived about twenty miles from Oldenburg. He'd been a farmer and then the manager of a Garden Centre business, now retired. In conversation I mentioned that I'd been in Northern Germany back in the 1950s at Jever. He immediately replied that he knew the RAF airfield at Upjever. His use of the name 'Upjever, rather than just Jever, made me curious. It turned out that his colleague who'd all this time been chatting with Marion said that he not only lived at Aurich, not far from Jever, but that he'd worked there as a civilian at both RAF Jever and at Brockzetel from 1956 to 1958, exactly the same time that I and others were there doing our National Service. I was spechless and so much so that I failed to ask him his name and what his job was at Jever. Ah well! It was a lovely meeting and we finally parted in the village centre virtually as old friends. Sheer co-incidence. Such a small world. |
Walkinshaw |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
BFES Primary School Teacher. |
Bef Feb57. |
Aft Apr57. |
Notes: |
Wallace A |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn pilot. |
9May51. Jever 3Mar52. |
6May54. |
Notes: Svc No.: 4034384 Fg. Off. 20Jun51. AF List. Short Service Commission ends: 19Jan57. |
Wallace J |
Address Wife: Joyce. |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn pilot. |
Jever 3Mar52. Sqn Adj 25Mar52. to 93 16Jun53. Went to Sweden flying Saab J-29 Flying Barrel. Returned 17Nov53. 4 sqn 9Dec53. |
93-9Dec53. 4-4Nov54. |
Notes: Svc No.: 163201. Flt. Lt. 16Mar48 AF List. Eric Pigdon's Notes 23 Nov04. JSM Wallace(John) had been away in Sweden flying J29(Barrel). Came back early 54 and left 55. Corrected 16Feb05. Ken Senar told me 8Apr05 that John Wallace (93) had been on detachment to a Scandinavian Air Force (Swedish?) before either joining, or coming back to, the squadron. |
Walls |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn groundcrew. |
Bef. Jan57. |
sft. Jan57. |
Notes: |
Walpole |
Address Wife: Margarite |
Telephone |
E-mail |
'Kermont', The Street, Walberswick, Suffolk IP18 6UH. |
01502-723371. |
nandm@metronet.co.uk |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Outer Basket 79 Sqn pilot, Gutersloh. |
Notes: Author of "Swift Justice" full story of the Supermarine Swift. |
Walters |
Address Wife: Jean |
Telephone |
E-mail |
8 Cornhill Gardens, Leek Staffordshire. ST13 5PZ.. (2007). |
01538 387282 |
JWalte159@aol.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
118 Sqn Engines Fassberg. |
Fassberg about 54 Not Jever. |
Fassberg about 54 Not Jever. |
Notes: |
Ward |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
118 Sqn pilot. |
Bef Dec55. |
27Jun57. |
Notes: Commissioned 27Apr57. |
Warner |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
No 4 Sqn pilot. |
14Sep1952. |
Notes: |
Warren |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Air Traffic Control |
3Nov54. |
May57. |
Notes: Ken Senar remembers him e-mail 24Sep05. |
Warren I |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
4 Sqn Sgt pilot Wunstorf. |
Bef 8Oct50. |
Aft 8Oct50. |
Notes: Flamed out and forced landed his Vampire WA120 10 miles North West of Antwerp when based at Wunstorf on Sunday 8Oct50. Robert Block from Belgian Aviation History Society is researching his crash and trying to contact him 29Dec09. |
Warrington |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
PPI Operator 101 SU. |
Dec56. |
19Aug57. |
Notes: On11Jan20 Gerry wrote:"As a part of the disbanded 300 SU in Oldenburg our happy band of PPI Ops arrived in time for Christmas (I still have the Christmas Day menu card) I went for repat after my National Service from Jever. |
Watkins |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
20 Oaktree Drive, Barnstable, N. Devon, EX32 OHE. |
01271-322034 |
See protected database. |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Author of Aviation Books |
Not at Jever. |
Not at Jever. |
Notes: |
Watkinson |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
OC Eng. Sqn. |
Bef May59. |
Aft 16May60. |
Notes: |
Watson |
Address Wife: Marion |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Shern Lodge, Bembridge, Isle of Wight PO35 5XP (2007) |
01983-872307 |
tomwatson@hotmail.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
4 Sqn pilot |
26Sep58. |
Mar61. |
Notes: To CFS. |
Watson J |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
2 Sqn pilot |
Aug58. |
Apr1960. |
Notes: |
Way |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
OC Tech Wg. |
Bef Mar53. |
Aft Feb55. |
Notes: Dog called Shandy. Eric Pigdon's Notes 23 Nov04. David Way Wg Cdr Eng Wing. |
Webb |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Kingsdown Cottage, High Bickington, Umberleigh, Devon, 37 AX (1999) |
01769-605 |
tmwebb@compuserveom; TimSalWebb@aol.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Outer Basket. Organiser of Hunter Reunion 1999. |
Notes: From copy of calling notice for Hunter Reunion weekend at Chivenor dated 18Sep99 in JSL files. |
WebbW |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
2 Wyndthorpe Gardens, Ilfracombe, EX34 9HZ (2012). |
williamwebb@talktalk.net |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn Air Radar Mechanic. |
Apr58. |
18Jan60. |
Notes: Joined 13Feb56, trained West Kirby Feb-Apr56, Yatesbury May-Jul56, Chivenor Jul56-Apr58. |
Webber |
Address Wife: Sylvia |
Telephone |
E-mail |
57 Edgehill Road, West Heath, Birmingham. B31 3SA (2007). |
0121 6249311 |
b.webber@blueyonder.co.uk |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
118 Sqn. |
Notes: |
Webster |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn Sgt. pilot. |
1May51. 17Mar52 to 145 Sqn then back to 93 27Mar52 in exchange for Sgt Sowray. |
6May53. |
Notes: Svc No: 1605839. GD Branch P/O 20Aug53. Left for OCTU. Eric Pigdon's Notes 23 Nov04. Webster Not after Oct 53. |
Webster |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn Cpl. |
Bef Jul56. |
Aft Jul56. |
Notes: |
Wedlock |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
N Ireland. |
mr.wedlock@virgin.net |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Tech Wing orderly room NCO. |
Jun58. |
Dec60. |
Notes: NCO IC Tech Wing Orderly Room for a while before becoming NCO IC Station Orderly Room (as it was then known). Lived in private accommodation at the Klosterpark before moving into MQ in Schumacherstrasse. There was a private country house a couple of fields behind Schumacherstrasse which had a lovely lake surrounded by trees. It was well stocked with pike, perch and roach and the owner and his wife were only too pleased to let me and a friend fish it, which we did regularly. Happy days! My SHQ pal, Terry Bradbury, and I fished them in 1960. I didn't know of their existence until I noticed from the back bedroom of my MQ in Schumacherstrasse the reflection of sun on water a short distance away across the fields. The rest is history: we approached the owner (I assume the same gentleman referred to by J Fox) and he gave us permission to fish anytime. The place was an anglers dream and in the many months we used the lakes we never met anyone from the base fishing there. We got the impression that it was not an 'open shop' as to our knowledge the facility was not in any way advertised on the base. Up until then we fished a river, not very successfully, outside Carolinensiel which was a fair drive away - in finding Husum we discovered paradise! The lakes just teamed with coarse fish. I got the impression that the pike were not used to anglers as they were not quite streetwise - one was practically guaranteed a bite with every cast. Indeed, the WO MQs can be seen through the trees in one photo and the MT Section in the distance on another. Google Flash Earth give a good definition. |
Westcott |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
david.westcott@virgin.net |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Supply Clerk. |
Mid-Dec51. |
Demob 23Jul53. |
Notes: Svc No: 2524835. Applied 1st choice Fleet Air Arm, 2nd choice RAF. He arrived at Padgate for initial training (square bashing) on 27Jul51 for approximately 8 weeks, then spent 2-3 weeks on reserve flight. He volunteered for air crew and spent 4 days at Hornchurch, after which he was offered an 8 year-term as an air gunner (which he declined). On 31Oct he was given a job as a supply assistant under training on a station as a clerk of equipment accounts. He was then sent to the transit camp at RAF Lytham St Annes, near Blackpool for approximately a month. Around mid-Dec51, at the start of the Suez Crisis, my fathers draft were scheduled to go to Egypt and a draft of RAF Regiment were scheduled to go to RAF Jever, however the drafts were switched and my father found himself Germany-bound. The Regiment later arrived at RAF Jever in Aug52. The draft arriving in RAF Jever were a bit of a surprise, by all accounts: they were untrained and weren't RAF Regiment! At the time 5352 Airfield Construction Branch Wing were still constructing roads and runways. They discovered that he had typing experience, so for the first few months he became the camp typist. The equipment section opened in Feb52. The first job was to amend all the station supply manuals a dull, never-ending job, which took months. Fortunately the section commander of the time: Sqn Ldr OHara decided that LAC Hall and my father should run the clothing stores, rather than becoming the clerk of equipment accounts, which he had trained for. Later on, they had 2 others to assist and someone had to be on duty 24-hours a day, as all pilots equipment came under the secure section of the clothing stores. Unfortunately as dad was carrying out work which his RAF title did not cover, he was unable to sit his Senior Aircraftman's exams. However, whilst he was in the Clothing Stores, he was permitted to wear corporal stripes which had to be removed when he left the section. Whilst he was at RAF Jever, he remembers there was a serious fire in the temporary accommodation, which was a line of wooden constructed huts situated between the Guard Room and the Transport Section. Several buildings were totally destroyed. In the Jever Laundry website, no mention has been made so far of the German Service Orderlies. They wore dark green uniforms and carried out all the cleaning duties on the station. Including the cleaning of barrack blocks, roads, pathways and gardens. Perhaps these were disbanded after 1952? During the whole of his service at RAF Jever, my father only attended about three parades. His section commander stated that his men were always "too busy" to attend parades! It was all hands to the pumps when kitting out beds, lockers, etc, to all living quarter blocks and likewise in kitting out the married quarters, etc. Dad was discharged from service on 23rd July 1953. |
Westwell |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
1, Richmond Close, Torquay, Torbay, TQ1 2PW (2007) |
01803 209055 |
jp@westwells.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
5352 Afld Const Brch. |
23Sep53. |
Jul54. |
Notes: |
White |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
CO 93 Sqn |
17Jun59. |
8Jan1960. |
Notes: |
Whitecross |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn Cpl. |
Bef Jul56. |
Aft Jul56. |
Notes: |
Whiteway |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
2 Sqn Tech Off. |
Nov60. |
After Dec 1960. |
Notes: |
Whittaker |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Boltisham, Cambridgeshire |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
98 Sqn pilot. |
6Oct55. |
25Apr57. |
Notes: |
Whittam |
Address Wife: Enid |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
2 Sqn pilot. |
Bef Feb58. |
Aft Jun58. |
Notes: Svc No: 133769. Flt Lt 5Jun46. |
Whitticane |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn airman. |
Bef Jun56. |
Aft Jun56. |
Notes: |
Whitty |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
RAF Regiment?. |
Bef Nov52. |
Aft Nov52. |
Notes: |
Wibberley |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn Chief Technician. |
Bef Jul56. |
Aft Jam57. |
Notes: |
Wild M |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Rheindahlen, Germany (1996) |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Outer basket 79 Sqn and later 4 Sqn pilot. |
About 59. |
Notes: From 111 Sqn Black Arrows Brochure: " ..aged 22 joined the RAF in 1953 and spent three years with No. 43 Sqn at Leuchars, Fife. He was a member of "The Fighting Cocks" aerobatic team in 1956/57. He joined No 111 Sqn in January 1958. Flying Officer Wild has a brother, Flight Lieutenant J Wild, a navigator, who is at present on a guided missile course in the USA." |
Wild O |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn pilot and Adjutant. |
30Oct58 from 66Sqn. |
31Dec60. |
Notes: |
Williams C |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn Sgt. pilot. |
13May51. 3Mar52 from Celle. |
21Apr53. |
Notes: Svc No: 3504737 Commissioned P/O: 30Jul53. |
WilliamsD |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Dentist. |
Bef Dec55. |
Aft Dec55. |
Notes: On 23 Nov 2021 11:08, Margaret Friend wrote: "Good morning, While going through some old paperwork, I came across a note that my husband made before he died. I am not sure if it will be of any interest/ use at this stage but I thought I would pass the information on to you, just in case: 122WGDEC55, DEREK WILLIAMS - DENTIST". |
WilliamsT |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Snr Admin Off. |
Bef 16May60. |
Aft 16May60. |
Notes: |
WilliamsW |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
4 Sqn pilot. |
Bef Aug59. |
Apr60. |
Notes: Svc No.: 2504864 P/O 24Jul53. |
Williams M |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
GLO. |
Bef Apr60. |
AftApr60. |
Notes: |
Williamson K |
Address Wife: Patricia |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
112 Sqn pilot. |
Jever 9Mar52. |
Aft Apr53 to 77 Sqn RAAF Kores. |
Notes: Williamson was born in Leytonstone and educated at Bancroft's School and Market Harborough Grammar School. Unlike most of the RAF's senior leaders, Williamson initially joined the Service as an airman. Following training as an Aircraft Apprentice he was selected for a cadetship at RAF College Cranwell (51 Entry) and commissioned in 1950. Williamson was given command of 23 Squadron and then took charge of RAF G|tersloh in 1968. In 1972 he became Director of Air Staff Plans at the Ministry of Defence and in 1975 he was appointed Commandant of the RAF Staff College, Bracknell. He went on to be Assistant Chief of Staff at SHAPE with responsibility for Plans and Policy in 1977 and then became Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief at Support Command in 1978. He was made Commander-in-Chief RAF Strike Command in 1980 and then served as Chief of the Air Staff from 15 October 1982 to 15 October 1985. In retirement Williamson devoted much of his time to the Presidency of the Royal Air Forces Association. In 1953 he married Patricia Anne Watts; they had two sons and two daughters. |
Wilson D |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
175. Limpert Ave, Cambridge, Ontario. N3C 3B9, Canada (2010) |
00-1-519-654-2014. |
donny.wilson@sympatico.ca |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Instrument Mech 98 Sqn. |
May55. |
Oct56. |
Notes: LAC Jul55; SAC Sep55. I was an SAC at the time and both Soccer and Cricket representative for the Squadron. Also here is a pic of me on the cockpit of one of the Hunters. I am now in my 78th year but remember it all like yesterday.especially that trip up in the Vampire trainer with Bodger Edwards. WOW!! You will have guessed that I am now living in Canada, I moved here in 1979 with my wife and family. I was so sad to see how many of the old 98 Sqn comrades had passed away, I must be among the few that are left. |
Wilson M |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
40 Burstall Hill, Bridlington, East Yorkshire YO16 7GA (2007) |
01262-609228. |
michael.wilson@tesco.net |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Clerk SHQ. |
About Aug58. |
About Dec61. |
Notes: Svc No: 5011803. "I started National Service on 6th November 1957 and left three years later, after signing on for an extra year. I was at Jever for two and a quarter years, after square-bashing and six months shorthand-typing training at RAF Credenhill, Hereford. My Certificate of Service states I am an SAC, but I finished - according to some of my colleagues - as the oldest LAC in the RAF, as I was over 21 when I joined. I returned by my job as a Linotype Operator with local newspapers for a couple of years, then moved to Maidenhead to work on magazines. Then I spent 11 years in Aylesbury, this time working Intertypes until returning to East Yorkshire. Eventually I had a typesetting business. A new marriage, new job, and a completely different outlook on life following. Now I'm a writer/historian, with a published novel and many historical articles in local and regional magazines. I am heavily involved with the National Association of Writers' Groups and was chairman for two years. Now 71 and a six or seven weeks, I'm a happy and contended man. It will give me great delight in adding to the RAF Jever site. I remember Group Captain I. S. Smith, Station Commander; Flt.Lt. J. C. Brown, Adjutant; Flt.Lt. Oxley; Wg.Cdr. P. H. Cleaver. The young ladies who worked in SHQ for some of my time there were Helga Reichert and Siegrid Wells. I lived in Block 40 most of the time, and my pals included Colin Leeming of Hull, Jock Webster of Aberdeen, Jim Silvester from Birmingham, Fred Monsey of North Walsham, Bob Dicker of Hartley Witney. I also ran a little printing press in the office on which I produced station dance cards and the like." |
Wilson W |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
About 1959 |
About 1959 |
Notes: Daughter Mary active in the Riding Club. |
Withington |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
4 Sqn pilot. |
18Apr53. |
Aft Jun53. |
Notes: Nat. Serv Officer. |
Wood J C |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn pilot. |
Bef. Feb52. Jever 3Mar52. |
7Oct53. |
Notes: Svc No.: 3005409 Fg Off wef 12Apr52. 18Sep51 selected u/c up instead of flaps, bellylanded at Celle. UK Cat4R Marshalls. Struck off charge ReCat 5C 9Jul523. 9Nov51 Cat 3 Flying Accident Port drop tank disengaged during dive damaging mainplane - UK22Feb54. 12MU 23Feb54. 11Jul52 Vampire VV224 Mid-air collision with WA189, which was Cat 3 but landed OK, during a dogfight with F-86. Crashed 3m W. of Kings Lynn. P/O Wood baled out rescued from mud flats. |
Wood |
Address Wife: Edna. |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Stoney End, Littleworth, Faringdon, Oxon, SN7 8ED (2012). |
01367-241312. |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn pilot and C Flt Cdr. |
19Aug58. |
31Dec60. |
Notes: Svc No: 3508831. Twice Mention in Despatches: 1. Whitehall, London S.W.I. 13th December 1966. The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards in recognition of distinguished service in the Borneo Territories: Queen's Commendation for Valuable Service in the Air Flight Lieutenant Trevor Aubrey Kenneth WOOD. 2. Whitehall, London S.W.I. 21st June 1983. The QUEEN has been graciously pleased to approve publication of the names of the undermentioned Royal Air Force personnel who, during the period 1st November 1982 to 31st January 1983 have been mentioned in despatches in recognition of distinguished service in Northern Ireland. Flight Lieutenant Trevor Aubrey Kenneth WOOD,(3508831). |
Woodford |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
93 Sqn Cpl. |
Bef Jul56. |
Aft Jul56. |
Notes: |
Woodward R |
Address Wife: Diana |
Telephone |
E-mail |
2, Briery Close, Ilkley,West Yorkshire, LS29 9DL (2008). |
01943-817745 |
bobwoodward.bc@blueyonder.co.uk |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
118 Sqn Nat Serv pilot. |
Fassberg Jun52. |
Fassberg Jan53. |
Notes: |
Wraight |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
14 Cobbold Street, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4YW (2007) |
01379-644508 |
mjw98977@tiscali.co.uk |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
118 Sqn pilot. |
Fassberg 18May53; Jever 6May55. |
10Jun56 to 229OCU. 28Nov56 2 weeks refresher from OCU. |
Notes: Svc No: 4074472. Fg Off. 8Nov53. Sqn Ldr 1Jan71. |
Wraith |
Address Wife: Yvonne |
Telephone |
E-mail |
4 Oak Road, Rochester, Kent. ME2 2LL (2007) |
01634 725985 |
ymwraith@blueyonder.co.uk |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
118 Sqn Fassberg. |
Notes: |
Wright |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
MT Officer. |
About 1955. |
About 1955. |
Notes: Ken Senar remembers him e-mail 24Sep05. |
Wright W |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Station Signals Officer. |
Bef Jan54. |
Aft Feb55. |
Notes: Ken Senar remembers him e-mail 24Sep05: The Signals Officer was 'Wilbur' Wright. Wilbur moved into the Mess after a break-up of his marriage. He was a keen model railway enthusiast and his room was in the right-hand ex-Luftwaffe block (looking from the Mess patio towards the tennis courts). He also had an additional upstairs room at the far end of the block in which, on a number of 'Tables Fold Flat', he installed his train set. At least that's how it started out. In the event I spent many hours with him and, over a period of a year or so, the layout became so extensive, and the operating system (for we had opted to make at least some of it automatic) so complex that it was included in the Saturday morning COs inspection schedule whenever the Officers Mess was listed for attention. Eventually, when Wilbur was posted the whole was loaded into his car, with some being carried on the roof rack, for his journey back to the UK. (Click to see pictures). From Ron Gray's Notes (21Mar06): "I was one of many who helped to build a most fabulous Marklin model railway. Pod Senar has described it correctly. Will never know how it got back to UK or where he could find room to rebuild it all." |
Wuolle |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
awuolle@msn.com |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
US Army 35th USA Air Defense Artiller Detachmenty. |
1969. |
1970. |
Notes: |
Yandle |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
WVS. |
Bef 54. |
Aft Dec59. |
Notes: |
Yates |
Address Wife: Frankie. |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Admin Wg, Personnel. |
Bef Feb53. |
May57. |
Notes: |
Yates |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
101 SU. |
Bef Feb54. |
Aft about Apr58. |
Notes: |
Young T |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
RN Exch 93Sqn pilot. |
Jun56. |
2Sep57. |
Notes: From page 57 it appears he was the colouful editor of the 93 Sqn Linebook. Eric Pigdon's Notes 23 Nov04. Tom Young started home brewing in top room of 93 Sqn tower. Got his yeast from brewery. Much bubbling & smell but don't remember getting any beer to drink. |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Notes: |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Notes: |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Notes: |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Notes: |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Notes: |
Address |
Telephone |
E-mail |
Jever Details - Unit/Role |
Arrived |
Departed |
Notes: |