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Calling Notice for 15Mar08 & Minutes of Annual General Meeting 31Mar07

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15 Mar 08


122-124 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7RW.
(40 yards NW of Lambeth North tube - Bakerloo Line).

1.     Mick Ryan called me yesterday, 16th February, and told me that Jeff Jeffrey is not at present 'fully serviceable' and is undergoing hospital tests the results of which should be known by the end of this month.   Jeff is currently under medical orders to take it very easy, hence Mick's request for me to write the 'Warning Order' for the AGM which will be held in 'The Horse' 122-124 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7RW. (40 yards NW of Lambeth North tube - Bakerloo Line). Steaming time 1700 - 2300.

2.     Hopefully Jeff will be able to attend the AGM.   Given the many years excellent service and hard work Jeff has put into his duties as Secretary, especially arranging the details of the AGM, it would be a nice gesture if at least some of us sent him 'Get Well' cards.   Nothing too rude:   Pete Jennings Please Note (PJPN)!!   As Jeff has been told to take it easy, it would not seem in his best interests to bombard him with well intended but possibly tiring 'phone calls.   That is my reading of the situation, though I may be wrong.   Jeff's contact details are: 2, Hawkes End, Brampton, Huntingdon, Cambs. PE28 4TW Tel: 01480 454788.   If you call, his wife Olive will most probably answer.

3.     Looking back on 2007, the Ladies Guest Night was without doubt a resounding success.   What a shame we have not had similar dinners before.   As those of you on the Internet will most likely have seen on the Website, the plethora of photographs attest to what was a very enjoyable evening.   The Club gave us faultless service: the food was excellent, the wine flowed, and in his speech Sir 'Paddy' at times spoke light heartedly and at others very evocatively, triggering, I am sure for all of us, our own special memories of those hard living, hard working, golden days of jet fighter operations and the complex of activities involved in supporting them.   As we have come to expect after the Jever visit, Mick Ryan's hard work and superb organisational skill, allied with Jeff's considerable knowledge of all matters JSL, was the bedrock of that most enjoyable evening.   Mick, from all of us thank you very very much; and of course many thanks also to Jeff.

4.     Very late in the evening Ken Goodwin asked me if I would take over from him as President, having been in the slot before my 14 year sojourn in the UAE.   At that stage in the evening I would have agreed with any request and did.   I would be quite happy if someone else wishes to succeed Ken, if anyone does, then please tell Mick Ryan.   Until then I will carry on as acting President and will work with Mick on a number of issues.   If no one comes forward, I will carry on.

5.     There are two items which Mick and I believe should be addressed at the AGM.   I have outlined the items so you come prepared.   All we want on Issues 1 and 2 at the AGM is a broad indication of your views not detailed discussions; otherwise we'll never get a beer down our throats.   Simply a show of hands, with five fingers, not two - PJPN.

Item 1 - Secretary.

6.     Jeff has previously indicated to Mick that he wishes to hand over his secretarial duties.   Jeff will I believe be available so that we can use his considerable knowledge of the JSL.   Any volunteers?

Issue 2 - Six Nations Rugby.

7.     Meeting in March often conflicts with the Six Nations Rugby, now sometimes being played in the evenings.   To encourage as many people as possible to attend the AGM, should we slip the meeting to April in future?


15.     Apologies for the lengthy letter however I thought if you come alert to the items, discussion will be briefer, allowing more time for that extra, much needed cooling half.

16.     PLEASE WILL YOU FILL IN THE ATTACHED FORM AND SEND IT TO MICK.   Include written comments on the issues in advance if you wish - it would help.

I have the honour to be
Your Almost Obedient Acting Chairman

Pat King

1px-trans.gif, 43 bytesJEVER STEAM LAUNDRY
1px-trans.gif, 43 bytesAGM 2008

To: Mick, Far End, Chipstead Lane,
Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 2RG

From:   ......................................................

AGM 15 March 2008

1px-trans.gif, 43 bytesI will/will not be attending.          Accompanied/unaccompanied

MICK IS QUITE HAPPY FOR YOU TO REPLY BY EMAIL Please note that we will use email letters for 2008 onwards to all those who
have email addresses and ordinary mail to those who do not
so please keep us up to date

Updates (Especially email)


1px-trans.gif, 43 bytes___________________________________ _________________________________________________________|Postcode:__________________________

Email     _________________________________________________________________________

Telephone/s  ____________________________________________________________

Information Comments or Polite (PJPN) Suggestions


  1. Dickie Barraclough
  2. Fred Butcher
  3. Babs Butcher
  4. Henry Chambers
  5. Joy Chambers
  6. Brian Dunbar
  7. Fergy Ferguson
  8. Pat Ferguson
  9. Alan Gleadon
  10. Pete Hunwick
  11. Roger Hymans
  12. Helen Hymans
  13. Pete Jennings
  14. Peter Jones
  15. Pat King
  16. Audrey King
  17. Danny Lavender
  18. Johnny Macknish
  19. Bill Maish
  20. Shirley Maish
  21. Tim McElhaw
  22. Heather McIntyre
  23. Eric Pigdon
  24. Al Pollock
  25. Trish Pollock
  26. Mick Ryan
  27. Jo Ryan
  28. Eric Sharp
  29. Chris Stone
  30. Toni Stone
  31. Thommy Thomson
  32. Barrie Tonkinson
  33. Mike Tyrrell
  34. Hilary Tyrrell
23 + 11 ladies = 34total
Apologies for Absence:
  1. Dougie Adamson Called to wish us the best on the night
  2. David Annal
  3. Arthur Asker
  4. Tinkle Bell
  5. Bill Blake
  6. Roy Booth
  7. Pete Bouch
  8. Dave Brunger
  9. Brian Butterworth
  10. Ted Bywater
  11. Marcus Christ
  12. Brian Conway
  13. Barry Dale
  14. Sam D'Arcy
  15. Peter Drummmond-Hay
  16. John Farley
  17. Rodney Farley
  18. Malcolm Fluendy
  19. Pete Frame
  20. Norman Giffin
  21. Gil Gray
  22. Ron Gray
  23. Joy Harris
  24. Dick Haynes
  25. Sir Patrick Hine
  26. Philip Holden-Rushworth
  27. Pete Jarvis
  28. Jeff Jeffrey
  29. Gunter Kipp
  30. Richard Knight
  31. David Lockspeiser
  32. Robbie Lynn
  33. Eric McFee
  34. Paddy Minnis
  35. Sam Newington
  36. Keith Payne
  37. Roy Rimmington
  38. Bill Ritchie
  39. Robbie Roberts
  40. Margaret Rose
  41. Ken Senar
  42. Gerry Shipley
  43. Bill Simms
  44. Sir John Sutton
  45. Gordon Talbot
  46. Andy Thomas
  47. Brian Thornton
  48. Iain Tite
  49. Stan Wade
  50. Hewitt Wilson

Pictures of AGM 2008 at The Horse, on 15th March 2008
(Thanks to Eric Pigdon for them all so far.)

  1. Peter Jones, Johnny Macknish and Jo Ryan.
  2. Tim McElhaw, Chris Stone Jo Ryan and Barrie Tonkinson.
  3. Barrie Tonkinson, Toni Stone and Heather McIntyre.
  4. Chris Stone, Jo Ryan and Barrie Tonkinson.
  5. Al Gleadon, Peter Jones, Dickie Barraclough and Shirley Maish.
  6. Shirley Maish, Bill Maish, Peter Hunwick and Thommy Thomson.
  7. Danny Lavender, Al Pollock, Trish Pollock back and Mick Ryan standing.
  8. Bill Maish partly hidden, Mick Ryan, announcing Pat King as our new President, and Pete Hunwick.
  9. Pat King giving his address as our new President.
  10. Pat King during a pause in his address as our new President.
  11. Bill Maish and Pete Hunwick.
  12. Pat King our new President - in full flood.
  13. Another new attendee, Brian Dunbar.
  14. Pete Jennings, totally unaware of what is about to hit him, Hilary Tyrrell and Mike Tyrrell.
  15. Eric Sharp and Helen Hymans.
  16. Danny Lavender, Al Pollock, Pat Ferguson, Trish Pollock and Audrey King.
  17. Honest Brian, Pat will stop talking sometime - Brian Dunbar.
  18. A surprised Pete Jennings, on the left, receiving the Golden Share for 2008 from the President Pat King.
  19. Roger Hymans
  20. Roger Hymans and Brian Dunbar.
  21. Roger Hymans and Al Gleadon.
  22. Pete Hunwick and Thommy Thomson.
  23. Dickie Barraclough and Eric Sharp.
  24. Babs Butcher and Joy Chambers.
  25. Joy and Henry Chambers.
  26. Shirley Maish and Babs Butcher.
  27. Chris Stone, Jo Ryan and Barrie Tonkinson.
  28. Toni Stone, Heather McIntyre and basking in their reflected beauty, Mick Ryan.
  29. Fred Butcher and Henry Chambers.
  30. Brian Dunbar and Johnny Macknish.
  31. Pat Ferguson, Fergie Ferguson, Audrey King, Al Pollock and Bill Maish.
  32. Hilary Tyrrell and Helen Hymans.
  33. Tim McElhaw, Peter Jones, Al Gleadon, Pete Hunwick and Dickie Barraclough.
  34. In the background Pete Jennings and our President Pat King, foreground Danny Lavender.
  35. Pete Jennings, our President Pat King and Mike Tyrrell.
  36. Pete Jones, Al Gleadon and Pete Hunwick protesting at having to buy a round!
  37. Toni Stone, Chris Stone and Jo Ryan.
  38. Jo and Mick Ryan.
  39. Last but not least - the photographer himself, Eric Pigdon with Jo Ryan and Chris Stone.
  40. Overview of the reunion from the spiral staircase.   L to R, Near Booth: Toni Stone, Barry Tonkinson back, Heather McIntyre and Jo Ryan standing.
  41. Another view of the reunion from the spiral staircase.   L to R, At the bar: Al Pollock, Audrey King, Pat King back, Hilary Tyrrell glasses, Trish Pollock, Pete Jennings back, Mike Tyrrell elbow on bar, Danny Lavender back, Eric Sharp folded arms, Mick Ryan leaning on bar, Fergie Ferguson back.
  42. L to R, Mick Ryan back, Pete Jennings, Chris Stone foreground, Eric Sharp head only, Fergie Ferguson, Jo Ryan foreground, Eric Pigdon.
  43. L to R, Jo Ryan, Barrie Tonkinson, Toni Stone, Heather McIntyre, Mick Ryan.
  44. L to R, Mick Ryan and Pete Hunwick.
  45. L to R, Mick Ryan and Eric Pigdon with the RAF Jever web site on display behind.
  46. L to R, Pat King awarding the Golden Share to Pete Jennings.   He must have forgiven him for the Cuckoo Clock?
  47. Mick Ryan rigging up the projection of the Jever web site from the spiral staircase.

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