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F540 Operations Record Book June 1954 NO 93 SQUADRON.
PRO Kew No. AIR27 Piece 2636 Microfilm Row 1 Draws 52-71 from Duncan Curtis

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Tuesday 1st.      The weather was very good in the morning but during the afternoon quite
a few Cumulo - Nimbus clouds developed.  In the afternoon Fg.Off. HANNAH had a
tyre burst on landing and Plt.Off. WHITELAW who was landing in stream behind Fg.Off HANNAH had both tyres burst.  The two aircraft collided and the runway was blocked
for two hours.  [XB583 and XB742.]   All aircraft airborne at the time were diverted to
OLDENBURG.  Both the aircraft in the collision are Category 4.  [Click to see report in
Ken Senar's Book.
]  Flying consisted of 13 formation sorties, 2 low-level and two air
tests, Fg.Off MITCHELL renewed his instrument rating.  Plt.Off. CULVER returned from
  Wednesday 2nd.      The airfield colour state was Red until 11.00 hours due to cloud base (500' and
poor visibility.  At 11.00 hour the weather improved and four low-level battle formation
sorties flown before flying ceased at 12.30 hors.  The afternoon was devoted to
all types of sport ranging from sailing to softball.  The Squadron cricket team beat No.
3 Field Squadron.
  Thursday 3rd.      Airfield colour state GREEN all day, but unfortunately flying was somewhat restricted
by unserviceability.  Flying consisted of 13 battle formation and 6 aerobatic sorties.
Dusk flying was cancelled.  Flt.Lt. ILES flew to West Raynham in the Prentice with the
Group Captain.  Flt.Lt. ILES is returning after Whitsun in his own aircraft.  Fg.Off.
returned from the Basketball tournament at SUNDERN  The Squadron cricket
team beat S.H.Q.
  Friday 4th.      A combined rehearsal for the A.O.C's and Queen's Birthday Parades was held this
morning.  Met. briefing was at 09.15 after which the squadron flew 3 sorties, 1
aerobatic 1 low-level and 1 cross-country.  The station stood down at 12.30 hours for
the Whitsun grant.  Fg.Off. RAMSAY returned from WILDENWRATH for the Whitsun
grant. Plt.Off. SENAR returned from MEPPEN RANGE.  Fg.Off. BALFOUR and Plt.Off
started continental leave.  The squadron cricket team lost to 4 Wing.
     The Whitsun grant was spent in many varying ways.  Several chaps went on an
organised coach trip to BRUXELLE, and Plt.Off. BUSBY went on a sailing cruise to
NORDENAY.  Fg.Off. BELL and Fg.Off HANNAH started U.K. leave on 6th.
  8th June, Tuesday.      Work resumed at 08.00hours this morning with everyone refreshed after the 3 days
holiday.  The weather was fine with 7/8 10,000' and 15 n.m. visibility but flying was
restricted by serviceability  Squadron Leader ALLEN was due to leave for West
Raynham 11.00 hours to attend the "Day Fighter Leaders Convention".  The weather at
West Raynham however was unfit until late in the day and he eventually left at 19.00
hours.  The days flying consisted of 8 aerobatic and 2 low level sorties, 3 cross
countries, and 2 air tests.   Fg.Off RAMSAY returned to WILDENWRATH to finish his Sabre conversion.
  9th Wednesday.      Another rehearsal for the Queen's Birthday Parade was held this morning which
lasted until 09.00 hours.  The weather was overcast with occasional slight rain with
cloud layered between 4,000 and 20,000 with some tops up to 27,000'.  The weather
improved during the afternoon and flying continued until 17.00 hours.  Some of the
chaps who did not fly did dinghy drill.  10 cloud flying sorties were flown.
  10th Thursday.      Today is the Queen's Birthday and the parade which we have been rehearsing was
held in front of quite a large number of spectators  After the parade the station stood
down until 11th June.  In the afternoon the Officers beat the Sergeants at cricket.
Flt.Lt. ILES arrived back from U.K. this evening.
  11th Friday.      Weather very good in the morning but Cumulus developed during the afternoon.
Visibility excellent.  Our first aircraft off at 08.30 hours.  Flt. Lt. HORRELL flew a Sabre to
West Raynham for the Group Captain to fly back.  Flt.Lt. HORRELL is returning in the
Prentice.  The Group Captain and Squadron Leader ALLEN arrived back from West
Raynham at 18.00 hrs.  Flying consisted of 2 formation and 7 aerobatic sorties and 2
air tests.
  12th Saturday.      Full flying until 12.30 hours.  Flt.Lt. ILES and Fg.Off. SANDERSON flew to BREMEN
in Flt.Lt. ILES aircraft to see the British Consul about Fg.Off. SANDERSON'S Passport
for their flight to S. RHODESIA.  Flying - 3 aerobatic, 4 formation and 3 Tiger Moth
  13th Sunday.      Flt.Lt. HORRELL left West Raynham this morning but could not land at JEVER due
to adverse weather.  He therefore landed at WUNSTORF.
  14th Monday.      Cloud 400' and pouring rain until late afternoon.  When the weather improved 1 low- level sortie and 2 Air tests were flown.  Flt.Lt. HORRELL returned in Prentice.
This morning we were very glad to see Fg.Off. RAMSAY back with us after his rather
drawn out Sabre conversion course.  In the afternoon the Sabre representative (Mr.
HOLLOWAY) gave a very interesting talk on the starting and operation of the Sabre
F.Sgt. TELFER started continental leave.
  15th Tuesday.      Full flying today in excellent weather - clear skies and visibility of over 40n.m.
Flying continued until 21.30 hours with the last aircraft landing when it was almost
dark.  We also did our first Air- Ground firing in the Sabre ( 7 sorties), and the scores
ranged from 1.2% to 12.6%.  The rest of the flying consisted of 8 aerobatic, 11
formation and 6 dusk sorties.  Plt.Off. GARTHWAITE did G.C.A. practice at
their Instrument rating.
Fg.Off. DAVIS started U.K. leave.
  16th Wednesday.      A full flying programme until 12.30 hours which consisted of 7 aerobatic, 4 high-
level and 2 formation sorties.  Sgt. KNIGHT started U.K. leave.  The squadron cricket team beat 33 L.A.A.
  17th Thursday.      Cloud base 6,000' with tops to 20,000.  Flying limited by serviceability.  Our
first aircraft airborne at 08.40 hours which was 20 minutes ahead of 4 squadron.
Fg.Off. SANDERSON was taken to WILDENWRATH in the Prentice to collect a Sabre.
Flying Summary :- 6 formation, 4 air - ground, 5 cloud flying and 3 dusk sorties.
Fg.Off. EXLEY renewed his Instrument rating.  Fg.Off. HANNAH returned from leave.
Squadron cricket team beat 30 L.A.A.
  18th Friday.      The weather was very good and flying continued until 12.30 hrs.  In the afternoon
the Inter-Wing sports took place.  Their were several 93 Squadron personnel in the
Flying Wing team.  The two most outstanding members of the team were Plt.Off. PAGE
who won the 1500 metres and Fg.Off. COUCH who won 5 prizes, and broke the station
records for the Hop - Step and Jump and the Long Jump.  The? sports were won by Flying Wing by a very large margin.
  19th Saturday.      The morning started with a rehearsal of the A.O.C's parade which finished at 09.30
hrs.  After the parade all the pilots not required at the hangar did Dinghy-Drill in
Station swimming pool.  Work ceased at 12.30 hours.  In the afternoon the squadron
softball team lost it's first league fixture 42-54 to Equipment and Catering.
  20th Sunday.      Squadron cricket team beat M.T. and Squadron Softball team beat Tech. Wing 56-
  21st Monday.      The weather at JEVER was fair but Cu. Nb. clouds over the rest of the Zone up to
30,000'.  The flying programme was limited by the weather and also by serviceability
The Squadron Commander is acting Wing Commander Flying for the week (Wing
Commander WEST
on leave) and Flt.Lt COLVIN is acting Squadron Commander.  The
ground crews worked late this evening in an endeavour to get some aircraft
serviceable.  Flying consisted of 2 aerobatic sorties 2 air tests and 1 weather check.
  22nd Tuesday.      Early in the day the cloud base was 700'and it was pouring with rain but the weather
soon improved enough to allow limited flying.  F.Sgt. SHRUBSOLE took Fg.Off.
to WILDENWRATH in a Meteor to collect a Sabre.  The Sabre was
unserviceable and so Fg.Off PIGDON stayed the night at WILDENWRATH.  Fg.Off.
went to Rostrop Hospital to see a specialist about his leg.  He returned this
evening but has to return to Rostrop tomorrow for treatment.  Flying, which continued
until 21.15 hours, consisted of 7 Q.G.H., 1 G.C.A., and 2 formation sorties, and 3
  23rd Wednesday.      Their were only 2 Sabres serviceable and so flying was limited to 4 sorties, (3 G.C.A
and 1 low flying.)  Work ceased at 12.30 hours and the afternoon was devoted to sport.
  24th Thursday.      The weather was very good with visibility of 30n.m.  The flying programme consisted
of 11 sorties (3 Q.G.H.) 1 G.C.A., 2 low-flying and 4 dusk sorties and 1 air test).
Fg.Off. EXLEY and Plt.Off. SENAR did two I.F. sorties in the Meteor 7.  In the evening
Fg.Off. EXLEY flew L.A.C. SUCKLEY to BUCKEBURG on compassionate leave.
  25th Friday.      The weather was fair at first but the cloud gradually lowered and deepened and by
11.30 hrs the base was 700' and top 34,000'.  The Hangar and Barrack Block were
prepared for the Station Commander's inspection on the 26th June.  Several pilots
were kept busy spraying letters and squadron markings on the aircraft.
  26th Saturday      The intended parade this morning was cancelled because of rain.  The Station
inspected the Barrack Block and Hangar and seemed quite pleased with
our efforts.  Work ceased at 13.00 hours.
  27th Sunday       The squadron cricket and softball teams had their fixtures cancelled because of
  28th Monday.      The weather was poor all day.  The cloud base did not rise above 600 feet and it
rained all the time.  During the afternoon the aircrew were inspecting the airman's kit.
The rest of the day was spent preparing the aircraft for the A.O.C's inspection.
  29th Tuesday.      A rehearsal for the A.O.C's parade was held this morning and it lasted until 10.30 hours.  Met. briefing was held after the parade and then the 7 pilots and aircraft,
including a spare, which we are providing for the A.O.C's flypast held two practices.
There was also one air test.
  30th Wednesday.      The weather was fine today with a short period of showers this morning.  There was
a rehearsal for the A.O.C's parade until 09.30 hours and then from 10.00 to 12.45
hours there was a lecture by Wg.Cdr. WRIGHT and Sqn.Ldr. SEATON from C.F.E.,
WEST RAYNHAM on modern fighter aircraft.  This afternoon there was a practice flypast with 7 aircraft of our aircraft taking part.
      Rounds fired in June     :-    1458
Stoppages                       :-    1
Stoppage Rate               :-
Hours flown in June             Hours  
                                         Day                                 Night.            Total.
Sabre                           215.15                                11.35            226.50
Meteor                             32.20                                  -                    32.20
Prentice                          13.15                                  -                    13.15
Tiger Moth.                        1.55                                 -                       1.55   No. of Sorties 266.
Total                              262.45                               11.35           274.20

   June, 1954.  ADMINISTRATION.
     The only administrative matters of note during the month of June were the
preparation for the A.O.C's inspection and the arrival of 14 new airmen, many of whom
have come from the Sabre Conversion Unit and who are very welcome
   June, 1954.  PERSONNEL.
June 1st   Fg.Off. CULVER returned from leave.
June 3rd.   Flt.Lt. ILES went to U.K.   Fg.Off. PIGDON returned from SUNDERN.
June 4th.   Fg.Off. RAMSAY returned from WILDENWRATH and Plt.Off. SENAR
returned from MEPPEN RANGE.  Fg.Off. BALFOUR and Plt.Off. WHITELAW went on
June 6th.   Fg.Off's BELL and HANNAH went to U.K. on leave.
June 8th.   Sqdn. Ldr. ALLEN went to West Raynham for the C.F.E. convention.  Fg.Off.
returned from WILDENWRATH.
June 10th   Flt.Lt. ILES arrived back from U.K.
June 11   Flt.Lt. HORRELL flew a Sabre to WEST RAYNHAM and Sqdn.Ldr. ALLEN
arrived back from WEST RAYNHAM.
June 14th   Flt.Lt. HORRELL returned today via WUNSTORF.   Fg.Off. RAMSAY
returned from WILDENWRATH.  F.Sgt. TELFER went on leave.
June 15th   Fg.Off. DAVIS went to U.K. on leave.
June,16th   Sgt. KNIGHT went to U.K. on leave.
June 17th.   Fg.Off. HANNAH returned from leave.
June 22nd   Fg.Off. PIGDON went to WILDENWRATH to collect a Sabre.   Fg.Off.
went to ROSTROP hospital.
June 30th   Fg.Off. BELL returned from leave.
                                        LIST OF PILOTS AT END OF MONTH.
                'A' Flight                                                                                       'B' Flight.

     Sqdn. Ldr. R.N.G. ALLEN., D.F.C.                                             Flt.Lt. A.J. COLVIN.      Flt.Lt. J.A. HORRELL.                                                                  Flt.Lt. H.B. ILES.
     Fg.Off. W.E. BELL.                                                                       Fg.Off. B.A. SANDERSON.
     Fg.Off. R.S. HANNAH                                                                  Fg.Off. B.J. REVNELL.
     Fg.Off. T. BALFOUR                                                                    Fg.Off. A.C. RAMSAY.
     Fg.Off. D.S. CHADWICK.                                                            Fg.Off. J.E. PIGDON.
     Fg.Off. W.G. MITCHELL.                                                             Fg.Off. G.E. HICKMAN.
     Fg.Off. D.H. HARPER.                                                                Fg.Off. J.E. MACKNISH.
     Fg.Off. G.J. COUCH.                                                                   Plt.Off. K.B. SENAR.
     Fg.Off. J.S.C. DAVIS.                                                                   Fg.Off. D. EXLEY.
     Plt.Off. P.T. WHITELAW.                                                             Plt.Off. W.B.C. RITCHIE.
     Plt.Off. R. GARTHWAITE.                                                           Plt.Off. J.C. CULVER.
     Plt.Off. J.P. BUSBY.                                                               Plt.Off. P LEIGH-LANCASTER.
     Plt.Off. T. PAGE.                                                                           Fg.Off. D.J. FEWELL.
     F.Sgt. W.R. SHRUBSOLE.                                                        Sgt.R.G. KNIGHT.
     F.Sgt. C.J. TELFER.

Signed RNG ALLEN                                       
(R.N.G.ALLEN.) D.F.C.                                     
Squadron Leader,                                             
Officer Commanding                                        
No.93(F) Squadron..                                         

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