January 1st Friday. |
,1954.. |
Low cloud prevented any flying today, and a certain relief was apparent, as New Years
Eve had been celebrated to the full. Pilots spent the afternoon in the gymnasium. Plt.
Off's. BELL and COUCH returned from leave, so the Squadron pilots are now all here on
detachment at SYLT for air to air firing except Plt.Off. PRICE (sick in U.K.) and Fg.Off.
WALLACE (in hospital with a broken cheek-bone, broken playing Rugby Football). Thus
we have 28 pilots on strength here. Plt.Off's HICKMAN & CHADWICK promoted Fg.Off.
w.e.f.26.12.53. |
2nd Saturday. |
Low cloud cleared from the north by noon; meanwhile two pairs flew low - level battle
formation, and two homing and QGH practise sorties were made. We concentrated on
cine sorties on the flag, making 8. Two firing sorties, two demonstration by our P.A.I.,
Flt.Lt. GOODWIN, an aerobatic and two more QGH practises completed the days
successful flying - there were four abortive sorties, The days average was 2%,
progressive average 5.5%.
Fg.Off. REVNELL and Plt.Off.SENAR attended the funeral of Plt.Off. STACEY, of No. 4
Squadron. at Hamburg. (Click to see aircraft details). |
3rd Sunday. |
Ice on the runway delayed flying until 10.30 hours, when F.Sgt. SHRUBSOLE scored
16.9%, our highest so far on this detachment. Surface winds 010/25 kts gusting to 40 Kts
and showery conditions made the ranges bumpy, and salt-spray in the rain of the
showers dried on our windscreens at heights up to 4,000 feet, obscuring our view of the
target, especially during the turn-in and early part of an attack where range is great. We
made only four effective shoots, five trips were abortive (3 u/s flag, 2 poor visibility).
Scores were low, the days average being 4.8%, bringing the courses average to 5.3%. We
made a further three cine flag attack sorties, two demonstrations, and 2 pairs flew
cine ¼ - attacks. Fg.Off. REVNELL and Plt.Off. SENAR returned tonight from HAMBURG. |
4th Monday. |
Strong winds between the runways, gusting to 60 Kts., prevented tug aircraft from
taking-off, and we stood down from 10.30 hours, giving the ground-crews a well earned
rest. |
5th Tuesday. |
The day started with a 2000 foot cloud-base, poor visibility, and no horizon. Two
pilots returned without firing. Weather improved later. Out of 17 firing sorties, 12 were
effective. We also flew 10 cine sorties, and two demonstrations. Squadron Leader ALLEN
flew to JEVER and returned in time to score 16%. The day's best was 17% by
Flt.Lt.PEARCH, days average 8.6 %, progressive average 6.8%.
Fg.Off. RAMSAY returned to JEVER to straighten out some accounts. Fg.Off. REVNELL
fell ill and went to HAMBURG for treatment. |
6th Wednesday. |
Low cloud on our range prevented firing all day. Two pairs flew formation in the
morning, and in the afternoon two pairs flew cine quarter attacks, and another two pairs
flew battle formation at 20,000 feet with QGH.
Plt.Off. MACKNISH went sick this afternoon with influenza. |
7th Thursday. |
Plt.Off. PIGDON put nine out of thirty-three rounds through the flag and then logged
10 minutes instrument time looking for it. There was a general recall until 10.30 hours
and a U/S flag until 11.45 hours, when we flew a live and a cine sorties. The weather
cleared to near perfection for 'A' flight, who flew nine live, three cine and two
demonstration sorties. A pair flew cine quarter attacks and two flag sorties aborted
with u/s flag. We made one aerobatic sortie. The days best score was 38% by Flt.Lt.
PATERSON, days average 11.8%, progressive average 8.4%.
Fg.Off. RAMSAY returned from JEVER. |
8th Friday. |
Today was clear and cold, with smooth air. We made eleven effective firing sorties
and six cine, a demo, and an aerobatic sortie. Five trips were aborted (no tug) and others
cancelled for the same reason. Flight Lieutenant PATERSON scored 46%, and the days
average was 15.8% bringing the progressive average to 10.1%.
Sgt. KNIGHT and F.Sgt. TELFER took two Vampires to JEVER for inspection and returned
with the Meteor for instrument practises. Pilot Officer DAVIS went sick. |
9th Saturday. |
Cloud - base was 4,000', but salt-spray was troublesome and caused two trips to be
aborted. Pilot Officer BELL shot a flag off on which two pilots had fired. We made 10
effective firing sorties, three cine, three demonstrations and two aerobatic sorties.
Squadron Leader ALLEN flew back to JEVER over the week-end. The Meteor flew twice on
I/F. The day's average was 11%, bringing the progressive average up to 10.3%. It is
doubtful whether we can maintain this average ( which beats the years best of 9.6 by No.
5 Squadron) as some of our newcomers are still doing cine and have not yet fired live.
The days highest score was 28% by Flt.Lt. PATERSON. Plt.Off.BALFOUR promoted to
Fg.Off. w.e.f. 31st Dec.1953. |
10th Sunday |
Weather was good in the morning for 'A' Flight, but poor in the afternoon. 'A' Flight
made ten effective firing sorties, and 'B' flight only one. Two cine's were flown, four
sorties aborted due to weather. The Meteor flew three times on I.F. and QGH, and we flew
three sector recces, three on Low-level battle formation, and one air test. The day's
best score was 22% by F.Sgt. SHRUBSOLE, days average 7%, progressive average fell to
9.7%. Squadron Leader ALLEN returned from JEVER. |
11th Monday. |
Ice on the runways prevented any flying today. |
12th Tuesday.. |
Low cloud made firing conditions difficult; the afternoon was rather better. We made
18 effective firing sorties, 9 abortive due to weather and two flags being shot away.
Two pairs flew cine quarter attacks, and we made one aerobatic sortie. Flt.Lt. PATERSON
spent a night in HAMBURG. |
13th Wednesday. |
Warm sector low cloud-base prevented flying all day. After seeing the previous days
cine films, which showed most pilots firing well in range but some at two low angles
off, a Jungle Survival film was shown. In the afternoon our football team beat 118 Sqdn.
5-3, and our squash team won its game. The rest of the pilots, including (under duress)
F.Sgt. TELFER, worked off their surplus energy in the gym. Flt.Lt. PATERSON returned
from HAMBURG late tonight. Plt.Off. BELL went to BUCKEBURG for a painful interview. |
14th Thursday. |
There were heavy occasional showers today, and only two effective firing sorties; Fg.
Off RAMSAY scored 10%, the days average was 7.0%, progressive average 8.9%. Five
sorties aborted with bad weather or lack of a flag. The Meteor flew three tomes on I.F.
One pair flew cine quarter attacks, and three pairs formation and QGH.
Flt.Lt. PATERSON, Flt.Lt. ILES, Fg.Off's RAMSAY and SANDERSON flew to JEVER at dusk
for night flying, but thunderstorms and snow-showers prevented night flying. They
remained at JEVER. Plt.Off. PIGDON was promoted Fg.Off. w.e.f.12th December,1953. |
15th Friday. |
Weather prevented range flying today apart from two abortive trips (Flag shot away)
and a demonstration. The Meteor flew on I/F but was recalled. Skeet shooting was laid on
but abandoned after half an hour due to rain. In the afternoon Plt.Off. COUCH, who is a
recently qualified P.F.I., took the pilots for P.T. in the gym. |
16th Saturday |
Storms and gales prevented any flying. Pilots were shown various aspects of the
armourers job by Ch.Tech. DUNCAN and his men, including stripping, mounting, belt-
filling and arming-up the 20 m.m. cannon. We stood down in the afternoon.
Plt.Off. HARPER went to HAMBURG to see a specialist about his twisted ankle, and Plt.Off.
BELL returned from BUCKEBURG looking chastened. |
17th Sunday. |
The weather was similar to yesterday. We did not fly except for F.Sgt. TELFER and Sgt.
KNIGHT who went to JEVER in the Meteor to take their instrument rating tests. Ch.Tech.
DUNCAN lectured us on gun harmonisation and we stood down in the afternoon. |
18th Monday. |
Ice on the runways delayed flying until 10.25, and then weather was perfect. We made
16 effective firing sorties but scores were low as the low scorers caught up on sorties.
The days best was 14% by Fg.Off. SANDERSON, days average 6.5%, progressive average
8.5%. The four night fliers returned from JEVER, having been weathered in since 14th.
Two pairs flew formation, Sgt. KNIGHT passed his I.R.T.at JEVER, there were two air tests
and an aerobatic sortie. |
19th Tuesday.. |
Warm front conditions prevented any flying today. We played 266 Sqdn. at football,
winning 3-2, the combined Squadrons beat Target Towing Flight 5-1, and our Squadron
Squash Team annihilated 145 Sqdn. 4-1. The rest of the pilots took over the gymnasium
for the afternoon. Plt.Off. MITCHELL became a proud father rather sooner than expected,
providing an excuse for another celebration. |
20th Wednesday. |
Strong winds between the runways prevent tug aircraft taking-off, so we flew five
pairs on cine quarter attacks and six aerobatic sorties. Sqdn. Ldr. ALLEN flew to JEVER
and returned. Plt.Off. DAVIS took a Vampire to JEVER for inspection. F.Sgt. TELFER and
Sgt. KNIGHT returned from JEVER in Vampires and Sgt. KNIGHT was flown back to
JEVER in a T-11, returning with Plt.Off. DAVIS in the Meteor. |
21st Thursday. |
The weather was perfect all day, but flag troubles aborted nine sorties, and
stoppages aborted two more, R/T u/s another. We made 11 effective shoots, and two
aerobatic sorties. The days best was 28% by Fg.Off. CHADWICK, a newcomer to the
Squadron fresh from O.C.U. The days average was 9.4%, progressive average 8.6%.
F.Sgt.TELFER took Fg.Off. RAMSAY up in the Meteor, but could not lower the port under-
carriage and made a neat landing on two wheels and the port engine cowling with
surprisingly little damage, after jettisoning the ventral tank. Starboard brake was
insufficient to hold the aircraft straight and they slewed off the runway to port. |
22nd Friday. |
Low cloud prevented firing; only three flag sorties took off and were all aborted.
We flew nine formation sorties, and two air tests. Plt.Off. DAVIS attempted to fly to
JEVER for equipment but returned with undercarriage light trouble. His second attempt
in another aircraft was successful, and he returned later. |
23rd Saturday. |
Conditions were hazy on the short list range, towing at 7,000 feet. We made
seventeen effective shoots, eight abortives, an aerobatic sortie, an air test, and a
pair flew cine quarter attacks. Flight Sergeant SHRUBSOLE scored 33%, the days average
was 9.3%, progressive average climbing slowly back up to 8.7. Five pilots went out on
the List rescue launch this afternoon to see how the other half lives, and had a worm's
eye view of the Squadron's firing. The trip was much enjoyed, though some oaf left the
lunch behind. Although the swell was only light to moderate, the launch rolled
alarmingly at anchor and the land lubbers in the party soon lost interest in their
missing lunch. |
24th Sunday. |
Weather was clear, and we made seventeen effective shoots on the south range, and
ten abortives due to flag troubles; two pairs flew cine quarter attacks, and an air
test was made. Flt.Lt. PEARCH scored 45%, and the days average stood at 10.3%,
bringing the progressive average up again to 9.1%. |
25th Monday. |
Weather was clear all day on the long AMRUM range. We made 19 effective shoots, 10
abortives due to flag and tug troubles, a pair on cine quarter attacks and an aerobatic
sortie. Wing Commander COULSON came down from JEVER to fire, and scored 4%.
Flt.Lt. PATERSON essayed a trip to JEVER and returned hastily with a barostat failure on
take-off; fortunately he had built up about 150 knots when it happened. Pilot Officer BELL
attempted a Mach run, but whilst still climbing at 38,000 feet his engine started making
odd noises and he returned. Turbine blade failure is suspected.
Fg.Off. RAMSAY made the day's best score of 25%; the days average was 9.4%,
progressive average 9.1%. A quick rough check revealed that No.5 Squadron's score of
13% for the DUNCAN Trophy was within striking distance, and excitement ran high. |
26th Tuesday. |
Strong winds between the runways prevented range flying until 13.45, so 'A' flight
flew 5 pairs on close and battle formation and two aerobatic sorties. In the afternoon
'B' flight flew seven effective shoots and five abortives. The day's top score was 34%
by Fg.Off. HICKMAN, day's average 13.8%, progressive average 9.3%.
27th Wednesday. |
Visibility and cloud-base was marginal all day. We made 13 effective shoots, twelve
abortives mainly due to weather, two aerobatic sorties and a pair flew formation. Plt.Off.
HICKMAN scored 20%, the day's average was 11.9%, progressive average, 9.3%. |
28th Thursday.. |
Weather was good all day, but the tow was at 7,500 feet and pilots found difficulty
in avoiding line-astern attacks. We made 16 effective shoots and 8 abortives, mainly flag
troubles. Flt.Lt. PEARCH scored 43%, the day's average was 11.1% and the progressive
average 9.5%. F.Sgt. TELFER flew to JEVER taking a Vampire back for investigation of a
possible defect in the engine, and was flown back in a T-11. Our Squash Team beat
R.A.F. SYLT 4-1. We are now fractionally in the lead on 5 Squadron with 13.2% on the
DUNCAN Trophy, and lagging slightly on their Squadron average (9.6) |
29th Friday.. |
The AMRUM range was unserviceable with a low cloud-base all day, Plt.Off. EXLEY
being the only one to fire He scored 15%. Five trips were aborted due to weather. Plt.Off.
COUCH flew to JEVER and back to collect some new burners. |
30th Saturday.. |
Weather was fine, and tow between 4,000 and 6,000 feet above scattered strato-
cumulus. We made seventeen successful shoots. F.Sgt. SHRUBSOLE scored 44%,
assuring our success in the DUNCAN Trophy. The day's average was 7.4%, progressive
average 9.4%. |
31st Sunday.. |
Weather was reasonable, and we made 11 successful shoots before ceasing fire at
lunch-time. Only one sortie aborted. F.Sgt. SHRUBSOLE put 47 rounds through the flag
out of 80 fired, scoring 58.7%, the year's highest at SYLT, we believe. A further eleven
rounds went through the back of the flag. Subject to confirmation we appear to have won
the DUNCAN Trophy with a score of 13.9%. The day's average was 11.6%, progressive
average 9.49% for the whole course.
See Appendix 'A' & 'B' for individual scores. During the afternoon 11 pilots flew back to
JEVER, where they were greeted by a pyrotechnical display, Group Captain POWELL-
SHEDDON, Wing Commander COULSON, Squadron Leader GILPIN, and a crate of
champagne. All were most welcome. |
Rounds fired in January :- 23,693
Stoppages :- 11
Stoppage Rate 2155 rounds per stoppage. Sorties
Day Night. Day Night
Hours flown in January :- Vampire 313.40 7.05 549 10
T-11 12.30 - 23 -
Meteor 18.20 - 15 -
Total 343.35 Total 597 sorties.
January |
,1954. |
The main administrative matter this month has been the Squadron's return by road
rail and air from A.P.S. SYLT. The homeward journey's have been completed according to
schedule. End of year assessments for all ranks have been completed. |
January |
,1954. |
Fg.Off. REVNELL 2nd - 3rd away at HAMBURG, 5th onwards sick.
Plt.Off. SENAR. 2nd-3rd away at HAMBURG.
Fg.Off. RAMSAY 5th-7th away at JEVER, 15th to JEVER returned 18th.
Plt.Off. MACKNISH 6th-9th Sick.
Sgt. KNIGHT ) 8th JEVER and return, also 17th-20th
F.Sgt. TELFER) 28th at JEVER.
Sqdn.Ldr. ALLEN. 9th to JEVER, returned 10th, also 20th only.
Flt.Lt. PATERSON. 12th to HAMBURG, returned 13th, also 15th to JEVER, returned 18th
(night flying.)
Flt.Lt. ILES. 15th to JEVER, returned 18th.
Fg.Off. SANDERSON. 15th to JEVER, returned 18th.
Plt.Off. HARPER. 16th onwards, sick(Twisted ankle.)
Plt.Off. DAVIS 20th at JEVER, also 22nd.
Plt.Off. COUCH. 29th to JEVER.
Plt.Off. WHITELAW. Left for JEVER 30th. |
'A' Flight. 'B' Flight.
Sqdn. Ldr. R.N.G. ALLEN. Flt.Lt.K.M. PEARCH.
Flt.Lt. A.W. PATERSON. Flt.Lt. H.B. ILES.
Fg.Off. W.E. BELL Fg.Off. J.E. PIGDON.
Plt.Off. G.J. COUCH. Plt.Off. K.B. SENAR.
Plt.Off. J.S.C. DAVIS. Plt.Off. D. EXLEY.
Plt.Off. D.H. HARPER. Plt.Off. J.C. CULVER.
Plt.Off. P.T. WHITELAW. Plt.Off. W.B.C. RITCHIE.
F. Sgt. TELFER. C.J.
F. Sgt. SHRUBSOLE. W.R.. .
Squadron Leader,
Officer Commanding,
No.93 Squadron,
Royal Air Force, JEVER.
F.Sgt. SHRUBSOLE. 28.35 58.75 8
Flt.Lt. PEARCH. 27.60 45 6
Flt.Lt. PATERSON. 18.85 46 7
Fg.Off. RAMSAY. 13.00 25 6
Fg.Off. HICKMAN. 12.89 34 6
Fg.Off. CHADWICK. 12.88 28 8
Fg.Off. SANDERSON. 11.42 25 8
Plt.Off. MITCHELL. 11.39 21 7
Flt.Lt. ILES. 11.16 20 7
Plt.Off. COUCH. 10.73 18 6
Plt.Off. EXLEY. 9.95 17 6
Sqd. Ldr. ALLEN. 9.35 23 9
Plt.Off. DAVIS. 8.91 14 6
Plt.Off. BELL. 8.27 16 6
14 )194.75
Duncan Trophy Average 13.90
Corresponding scores of pilots not counting in Duncan Trophy
Plt.Off. MACKNISH. 7.14 21 8
Fg.Off. HANNAH. 7.00 13 5
Plt.Off. LEIGH-LANCASTER. 7.00 12 7
Fg.Off. PIGDON. 6.54 18 9
Plt.Off. WHITELAW. 6.13 15 8
F.Sgt. TELFER. 5.72 15 7
Plt.Off. CULVER. 5.50 16 8
Plt.Off. RITCHIE. 5.08 24 7
Fg.Off. BALFOUR. 4.74 14 7
Plt.Off. SENAR. 4.67 11 6
Plt.Off. GARTHWAITE. 4.00 7 8
Sgt. KNIGHT. 3.78 9 8
Plt.Off. HARPER. 5.00 5 1 (Sick did not qualify)
Fg.Off. REVNELL. - - - Sick
F.Sgt. SHRUBSOLE. 25.20 58.7 11 0
Flt.Lt. PEARCH. 23.80 45 9 0
Flt.Lt. PATERSON. 14.80 46 10 0
Flt.Lt. ILES. 13.37 26 9 1
Fg.Off. CHADWICK. 12.88 28 8 3
Fg.Off. HICKMAN. 12.39 34 8 1
Fg.Off. SANDERSON. 11.60 25 9 0
Fg.Off. RAMSAY. 10.21 25 9 0
Plt.Off. COUCH. 10.05 18 8 1
Plt.Off. EXLEY. 9.44 17 8 1
Sqd. Ldr. ALLEN. 9.00 23 12 0
Plt.Off. MITCHELL. 9.00 21 9 1
Plt.Off. DAVIS. 8.91 15 6 3
Fg.Off. HANNAH. 8.00 18 7 1
Plt.Off. BELL. 7.65 16 7 2
Plt.Off. LEIGH-LANCASTER. 6.99 12 9 1
Sgt. KNIGHT. 6.55 16 11 0
Fg.Off. PIGDON. 6.48 18 10 2
Plt.Off. WHITELAW. 6.19 15 9 2
Plt.Off. MACKNISH. 5.65 21 10 1
Plt.Off. CULVER. 5.55 16 9 2
Plt.Off. SENAR. 5.04 11 7 2
Plt.Off. BALFOUR. 4.74 14 7 3
F.Sgt. TELFER. 4.62 15 9 2
Plt.Off. RITCHIE. 4.24 24 9 1
Plt.Off. GARTHWAITE. 4.00 7 8 3
Sick ( Plt.Off. HARPER. 3.15 5 3 1
Sick ( Fg.Off. REVNELL. 0 0 1 0