roundel jsl spacer hunter1
F540 Operations Record Book December 1960 for No. 2 Squadron Jever 1Dec1960.
PRO Kew No. AIR27 Piece 2724 Microfilm Row 1 Draws 52-71
Place. Date. Time. Summary of Events.                                  COMPILING OFFICER.....FLT.LT. D.B. HIVES..... REF. TO APPENDICES
        (a)  Flying Training.     The main emphasis during the month was laid on training
        for Royal Flush VI, three Full House Exercises were run using Royal Flush flight
        profiles and techniques.     There were no army exercises during the month.

        (b)  Flying Effort.   The hours flown by the Squadron were:-

                                               Day                       Night
                   Swift                   92.10                    2.50
                   Hunter T7            3.55                      -


         (a)  Ground Training.     All pilots were briefed on Royal Flush briefing and
        de-briefing techniques and individual pilots lectured on their allocated subjects
        (target systems)     The Signals officer gave a lecture on the radio compass
        and the potential of the Decca navigator was discussed.

        (b)   Sports.     Winter Survival candidates had one afternoon strenuous sport.

        (c)   Postings.     Nil

        (d)   Squadron Strength.
                (i)          Officers
                                                     SQN. LDR. C.S. MACDONALD
                                                     FLT. LT. P.J. ADAIR

                'A' FLIGHT                                                                    'B' FLIGHT

        FLT.LT. HIVES                                                                 FLT.LT. SHARP
        FLT.LT. SUMNER                                                           FLT.LT. ST.AUBYN
        FLT.LT. BARCILON                                                        FLT.LT. WALLIS
        FLT.LT. GUNN                                                                FLT.LT. CRAWSHAW
        PLT.OFF. HOLDEN-RUSHWORTH                            FLT.LT. BROOKS
                                                         FLG.OFF. WHITEWAY
         (ii)   Airmen

                              W.O.                     S.N.C.O.       J.N.C.O.        AIRMEN
                               1                              10                    16              30

                               SQUADRON COMMANDER'S REMARKS
         No further comment except that the weather factor alone prevented the
         Squadron from attaining its target and that the aircraft serviceability
         remained high throughout the month
                                                                             signed DB Hives
                                                                         ( D.B. HIVES )
                                                                         Flight Lieutenant,
                                                                         Officer Commanding,
                                                                         No. 2 Squadron