JANUARY 1953 |
1st |
Thursday. Although the day looked fairly clear from the ground the visibility while
flying was very poor. A rocket programme was attempted but by the middle of the morning
most of the available targets had been destroyed. A halt of an hour was called and
consequent upon the destruction of the next temporary target rocketing was cancelled
and also suspended for the rest of the morning.
After lunch - with the sun higher and the haze thicker - visibility on the range was
even worse and eventually, after the introduction of a right hand circuit on the airfield
flying was cancelled altogether.
Monthly returns were completed and Sgt. GARRATT completed clearing before he leaves
for O.C.T.S. at SPITALGATE. Fg.Off. SPEARMAN left on 21 days U.K. leave. Sgt. THOMAS
soloed on the Meteor under trying conditions of bad visibility and with an unfamiliar
right hand circuit. |
2nd |
Friday. The weather was much clearer in the morning, although the edge of cold frontal
cloud hung high over the airfield. It was, however, also moving and never during the
course of the day affected flying.
The morning's flying was down to fours at half-hourly intervals. They climbed up -
practiced a little Formation and then got in a fair amount of cine synchronised
quarter attacks. Two aircraft went to GUTERSLOH and did G.C.A.s until the apparatus
went unserviceable. Much unserviceability reduced the number of aircraft available
and Opp. Quarters were then resorted to, in pairs.
In the afternoon low-level, high-speed Battle Formation was flown and some single
sorties of aerobatics and practice forced landings. The personnel not flying and the
Ground staff were busy cleaning up the Hangar for the Group Captain's Inspection the
following morning.
In the evening a very good party was enjoyed by everyone, including Sgt. GARRATT, in
whose honour it had been arranged before he left, the following day. |
3rd |
Saturday. The Commanding Officer's Parade was held in crisp weather on ground lightly
covered with the night's fall of snow.
Immediately afterwards final touches were put to the hangar and the aircraft were
thoroughly cleaned.
The Group Captain was not satisfied with the airmens' Block and ordered a re-inspection
the following Tuesday. The main problem was the lack of uniformity in layouts. He was,
however, pleased with the hangar.
Work finished at approx. 12.45. |
4th |
Sunday. |
5th |
Monday. A rocketing demonstration is to be given at GUTERSLOH at the end of the week,
so four of the aircraft were being armed up and flown to MEPPEN and back all day. The
team is to be Sqn.Ldr. MCGREGOR, Flt.Lt. PATERSON, Fg.Off. WOOD and
Sgt. WILLIAMS. When at lunchtime Sqn.Ldr. McGREGOR had to go to H.Q. 2 Group his place was taken by Fg.Off. STURMAN. Altogether they flew.
The rest of the aircraft were flown on cine, in pairs and as single aircraft on
Decoy A/C and aerobatics.
Sqn.Ldr. McGREGOR returned in the late afternoon.
The weather was very fair, with little wisps at 8,000 feet did not interfere with
the rocketing as it broke up during the day and was only very thin anyway. Flying
finished at 16.40 hours. |
6th |
Tuesday. Once again the four rocketeers were practising as hard as possible. The
remainder of the aircraft were flown in pairs and singles on cine high quarters, and
filled in the programme rocketing while the others were re-arming.
Visibility was again not good all day and towards evening it became definitely poor.
In view of this, night flying was considered to be out of the question and was cancelled.
In spite of the bad visibility, conditions were very good for rocketing, and above
3,000 feet where the haze finished it was perfect for flying.
Flt. Lt. PEARCH is away at SYLT on a board of Inquiry for a few days. Fg.Off. STURMAN
has taken and renewed his Green Instrument Rating. |
7th |
Wednesday. A new member arrived to join the Squadron this morning - Pilot Officer
S.F.G. GOODWILL. He arrived from O.C.U. and will need no training apart from
accustoming himself to Squadron procedures.
The four rocketeers flew at about 10.00 hours using the airfield to simulate conditions
at GUTERSLOH. They did two rocket attacks and one strafe in the circuit direction and
then a fly past in two pairs line-astern, turning slightly to show up the formation to the
best advantage. They then came in for a stream landing.
A long de-brief resulted in a second rehearsal - the interval between the aircraft was
shortened and two runs were done in formation, one turning and one level, with as short
an interval as possible between each. A tight circuit was made before running in to
break for a close stream landing. This resulted in a more showmanlike performance,
but sighting proved a difficulty. It was decided to alleviate this by 'fanning' the
aircraft dives slightly onto the target.
The rest of the flying was cine except for one Meteor trip. Plt.Off. GOODWILL had
a dual check with Flt.Lt. PATERSON.
Except for slight broken cloud at about 1,000 feet the weather was fair all day -
but cold. It was a normal working day - and in the afternoon many outstanding
jobs around the crew-room were brought up to date. The skating rink also received
a good deal of attention. Work finished at 17.00 hours. |
8th |
Thursday. One more practice was flown for the Rocketing Demo. Low cloud meant that
no simulated rocket attacks were made - shallow strafing runs were substituted. It
all went with a swing and will make a good show for a non-flying audience.
The rest of the squadron flying was in pairs and fours on very assorted sorties.
In the main they concentrated on cine, although formation aerobatics, D.R. cross-countries
and low level Battle Formation were also included in the programme.
For a short part of the day one or two pilots and aircraft were on loan to No. 4 Squadron, who,
besides a Battle Flight commitment, also had six aircraft on 'BARRAGE' and not enough
operational pilots to go round.
Sgt. WEBSTER soloed in one of the Meteor 7's. |
9th |
Friday. A thin layer of snow covered the runway, and poor visibility and low cloud
prevailed. No flying was attempted all day, but two taxi tests proved that braking
action was good in spite of the snow. Gradually sleet and then rain which turned
the snow into slush. Odd jobs were done at the Hangar in the morning and in the afternoon
Escape Lecture was given by Flt.Lt. LEE, followed by films concerning Ground-Air
Warfare and Life in Submarines. |
10th |
Saturday. Although actual flying conditions were fair - runway surfaces in the zone
prevented much flying. Our runway was sanded and Fg. Off. HARDCASTLE flew a communication trip to GUTERSLOH.
The rest of the pilots were fully occupied all morning with compass swings and their
various duties - especially statistics - which took up most of Sgt. WILLIAM's spare
time, or at least leaves him no spare time. |
11th |
Sunday. |
12th |
Monday. Since it was foggy the lecture programmes commenced directly after Met. Briefing
in Flying Wing Headquarters and concerned, first the Intelligence Organisation, and,
later Tank Recognition.
In the afternoon the Squadron provided its own lecture programme. |
13th |
Tuesday. Again the ground lecture programme came into effect, and filled up the pilots'
time. The Ground-crews are taking this excellent opportunity to get the aircraft up
to scratch. |
14th |
Wednesday. Fog again and the same routine. In the afternoon games were played as
normal. |
15th |
Thursday. Fog again all day. Battle Flight was held at 30 minutes readiness and lectures
arranged all morning. An Intelligence lecture was given on information noted? about
enemy airfields, if it should be obtainable. An hour was spent in the Intelligence
Library, then a Met. film was shown after which the Wing Commander Flying gave a most
interesting talk on Motor-cycle Racing with particular reference to the Isle of Man. [Click to see more of his lifetime interest.]
The afternoon was still unfit for flying. Various jobs were done - pilots did P.T. -
ground crew servicing - P.A.I. Section preparing for SYLT by selecting films which were
good examples of faults in firing on the flag and also some which were good examples of
how to do it.
Sgts. WEBSTER and WILLIAMS returned from BUCKEBURG? but Sgt. WILLIAMS was off again straight away for a medical. |
16th |
Friday. Fog again - but today all pilots went down to Oldenburg for a lecture programme
by the team from the School of Land/Air Warfare. It covered the whole thing - types of
aircraft - types of support available and how to request them - the Army set-up and a detailed
picture of the Recce. set-up to give background and a sense of proportion to requests.
A lot of it was designed solely for Army personnel but did not go amiss with the R.A.F.
At the end of a beautifully produced packs were available, and gave all the subject
matter in a slightly expanded form.
The Battle Flight and Operations Officer who had been left behind at Jever did not do
any work as conditions were extremely poor all day.
Mr Charles Courtney, War Correspondent of the Times and Daily Graphic gave a lecture,
illustrated by some film, to the ground crew on the Korean war and its expected duration. |
17th |
Saturday. The Commanding Officer's Parade, taken by the Wing Commander Flying, was
held in the mist. After the parade a lecture was given by Wing Commander HUDSON? on the
Vampire pneumatic system after which there was a look round the undercarriage bay where
a mock up of the system was seen. Fg.Off. BATES left for a winter survival course at EHRWALD. |
18th |
Sunday. |
19th |
Monday. Completely unfit again after a glorious Sunday. After a half-hour in the
Intelligence Library we all set off in a bus for the G.C.I. Station at OLDENBURG near
Bad Zwischenahn. A very interesting visit and a clearer picture was gained here than
at most places. The introductory talk helped towards this and very slick?. The visit
lasted all day what with the drive there and back. The Plt. Off. Controllers were very
informative indeed and their equipment was strikingly old.
The Battle Flight flew in the afternoon as a result of greatly improved weather after
13.00 hours. The G.C.I. party arrived back at 17.30 hours. |
20th |
Tuesday. Dawned as usual foggy - a succession of fronts have been giving bad weather
in spite of an enduring high pressure system over the whole of N.W. Europe and the Eastern
Atlantic. Fg.Off. BEATON gave a short interesting lecture on parachute jumping in the
Army and tied it up with emergency bale-out procedure. Then we repaired to the Safety
Equipment Section where parachute and dinghy packing were covered.
The rest of the time was spent on odd jobs at the Hangar and Squadron Admin. |
21st |
Wednesday. Since it was once again foggy Major SMITH gave a tank recognition lecture,
which was followed by work at the Squadron Hangar. The Gymnastic Room is now in constant use with amazing?, and we hope, beneficial? results.
The afternoon was still foggy - but the sports programme went ahead and those not playing
games were to be seen running in the vicinity of the airfield, work on the skating rink occupied a team of fire men. |
22nd |
Thursday. Sgt. WEBSTER proceeded to RINTELN for medical board. All the pilots read
in the Intelligence Library first thing and then attended a lecture. A subsequent
lecture, given by the Wing Commander Flying to the Officers only meant that the N.C.O.
pilots had to repair once again to the Intelligence Library.
There was no flying all day. |
23rd |
Friday. In the morning, after two competent radio lectures, the weather cleared enough
for flying, with 2,000 feet cloud base and very poor visibility the airfield remained
'amber'. Some cine was achieved and a little Meteor flying. |
24th |
Saturday. The Commanding Officer's Parade was held as usual but since the flagpole
had been broken extra drill was done by everyone afterwards.
When this was over a technical lecture on Planned Flying and Planned Servicing was given. |
25th |
Sunday. |
26th |
Monday. Fg.Off. SPEARMAN returned from leave. The fog cleared at last and flying
was possible again. The aircraft that had been sent on assorted sorties of cine,
formatting and individual, were recalled to be prepared for an interception at 11.00.
On this the Wing Commander Flying led twelve aircraft. Flt.Lt. PATERSON returned very
cold, having had the canopy burst at 30,000 feet. The interception was achieved but
the Venoms from WUNSTORF had the jump on our Vampires. One other pair also flew and
Sgts. WALKER and THOMAS did I.F. in the Meteor.
In the afternoon a six flew on tactics practice - and were recalled to find very
bad weather over the northern territory. After Fg.Off. SPEARMAN had some sever icing
trouble everyone landed safely. Night flying was cancelled.
Plt.Off. STANDISH is Range Officer for the week. |
27th |
Tuesday. Rain and wind prevailed with a low cloud base. Two editions of 'This Modern
Age' were shown followed by a lecture by Sqn.Ldr. DUNLOP on the Principle of the Gas Turbine.
Then for the last part of the morning and the first part of the afternoon a film was
shown concerning the interrogation of prisoners.
Both yesterday and today Fg.Off's WOOD, STURMAN, HARDCASTLE and SPEARMAN were
on Court Martial Instruction. Fg.Off. WALLACE ordered back from winter survival course and leave. |
28th |
Wednesday. A little low cloud was enough to prevent rocketing being carried out, so
as soon as the aircraft had been disarmed a programme of opposite quarters was commenced.
As soon as the weather showed signs of being fit for firing the programme was resumed
with air to ground. At lunch time a further attempt was made to rocket. It was no
good and Air to Ground had to be adhered? to for the rest of the day. Normal flights. |
29th |
Thursday. Once again only Air to Ground could be fired owing to the height of the cloud.
A very strong cross-wind made firing difficult in conjunction with the short dive,
scores were not very high. Sgt. WILLIAMS made the highest score of the day with 20%.
A team of three, two Squadron Leaders and a Flight Lieutenant, arrived from C.F.E.
and D.F.L.S. with a lot of very interesting information on new aircraft and techniques.
Between armament flights a few low-level and cloud flying sorties were flown, mainly
for the benefit of Plt.Off. GOODWILL who is not flying on the range yet.
At 16.00 the weather began to clamp down suddenly and by 16.45 was completely unfit
for flying - with about 800 yards visibility and continuous drizzle. |
30th |
Friday. Fog this morning with a front travelling across the area and not much hope of
a change in conditions. Flt.Lt. PATERSON, Fg.Off.s STURMAN, WOOD and HARDCASTLE all
went to OLDENBURG for a Promotion Examination lecture.
The rest of the pilots concentrated on monthly returns and log books. |
31st |
Saturday. Long weekend. |
Total hours flown -108.10 Vampire. 9.40 Meteor.
Sorties flown -156 Vampire. 11 Meteor.
Ammunition expended - 20 m.m. 3,306 rounds.
R/P296. |
After the first 8 days of the month the weather proved extremely bad and
limited flying severely. The ground training benefited and a large number of
lectures, chiefly under wing arrangements, were give, At the end of the month
a team from C.F.E. paid a short visit to the squadron.
The first of the pilots for the winter survival course went at the beginning
of the month. It is intended that all aircrew should do this course before
the end of the winter. |
Fg.Off. A.R. WALLACEWinter Survival Course 3rd - 17th January, 1953.
Fg.Off. G.W. SPEARMANLeave 3rd - 26th January, 1953.
Fg.Off. E.K.G. BATESWinter Survival Course 17th - 31st January, 1953.
Fg.Off. J.E.F. HARDCASTLELeave )
Fg.Off. R.L. JAMESLeave ) 1st - 4th January, 1953.
Plt.Off. G. GOODWILLPosted in w.e.f. 6th January, 1953.
Sgt. D.C. GARRETTPosted to O.C.T.U. w.e.f. 3rd January, 1953. |
Squadron Leader S.M. McGREGOR.
'A' Flightt'B' Flight
Fg.Off. J.G.M. WOODFg.Off. R.L. JAMES
Signed AW Paterson F/L
5th February, 1953.for (S. M. McGREGOR)
Squadron Leader, Commanding,
No. 93 Squadron,, R.A.F. |