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The Founding Annual General Meeting 28th December 1957


     There appears to have been a founding Annual General Meeting although the files have no trace
of any minutes or a copy of the calling notice. However, from the correspondence that follows, it is
obvious that such an AGM did take place on Saturday 28th December 1957 at Dirty Dick's near
Liverpool Street Station, London.  If anyone has a copy of either the minutes or the calling notice,
I would be grateful if I could borrow it to make a copy for the web site.


Amongst those attending the AGM 28Dec57 were the following:-

Identified:                                              ?
Ladies:                                                  ?
Head count from the letters below: 5

Dougie Adamson Secretary?
Bodger Edwards
Ken Goodwin President?
Alan Lethbridge
Gerry Shipley
Mutt Summers

DirtyDickCard.jpg, 17280 bytes

          This envelope advertised Dirty Dick's. It had sawdust on the floor but has sadly long gone as the site,
near Liverpool Street Station, has been developed. Inside the Envelope was the following two items which
are self-explanatory:

InsideDirtyDicksEnvelope.jpg, 27955 bytes

             JSLFoundersSupperPerhapsDat.jpg, 29297 bytes

This may be an early photograph of a meeting of the founders of the Jever Steam Laundry?
Does anyone know the names, place and date?

First Suggestions: L to R round the table: Unknown, Unknown, Curly Hirst, Unknown half hidden, Unknown, Hidden, Unknown face only, Unknown Hidden, Unknown moustache
Back down right side: Unknown Hidden, Dickie Barraclough head only, Unknown elbow on table, Clam Clayton-Jones, Des Browne with moustache, Ken Goodwin forward half hidden, Unknown moustache leaning back, Unknown, Unknown

Branch-of-Jever-Steam-Laund.jpg, 9786 bytes


The view from our Front Room.   Being a "fishhead" I am fortunate to live near a branch of the laundry.

SuggestedHeadOfficeJeverSteamLaundry.jpg, 121687 bytes


Sis on her beat.   She went a bit odd after Dave left her.   That mop hanging out of the window shouldn't be there .
Auntie Maggie forgot when she went to get the Dinner.   The Police asked her to put up that notice "Destroy the Rabbits".
She gets 5/- a week for it.

From the reference to "Fishhead", (actually it's a drawing of a fishbone), could this be from Tom Young ex 93 or Bob Parkinson ex 4 sqn? Anyone know the date or place?

Here is some of the correspondence from the year preceding Saturday 28th December 1957:


Dear President,
       Receipt is acknowledged of your invitation to attend the U.K. board meeting of the Jever Steam Laundry at "Dirty Dicks" on the 28th December, 1957, but owing to commitments with the overseas branch it will not be possible to attend.

2.     It is hoped the business will be conducted in the best Jever traditions, and I hope it will be my pleasure to attend the next U.K. board meeting and bring you all up to date on the parent company's doings.

I have the honour to be, Sir,                          

W T Harrington                                   

ROYAL AIR FORCE,                       HOW ARE THE          JEVER,                        
MIGHTY FALLEN!           2nd T.A.F.,                    B.A.O.R.   25.        

From:-  Fg. Off. G. V. Shipley, S.T.O.M.,Q.D.S.(EXP).         Fg. Off. P.S. Summers, 2TAF A.M.C.C., QR2707A. To:-    Sqn. Ldr. D.T. Adamson, P.A.I.         Flt. Lt. K.J. Goodwin, A.F.C. Date:-  5 December, 1957 Ref:-   SMUN/HN/1/AIR.
Sires,      At an extraordinary* committee meeting of the Aylesbury and District sub-branch of the Jever Steam Laundry, it was decided that both members would attend the meeting of the Board of Directors in the basement conference room of Filthy Richard's tavern on 28th inst. at 1900(Z).      The committee of the A. and D. S. B. of the J.S.L. beg leave to direct the board's attention to the following matter, which is locally considered to be of some urgency.  The above named sub-branch's activities in both the publicity and works development fields are handicapped to a great extent by a total lack of any up to date information on the standard laundry lay-out.   It would therefore be appreciated if the firm's architects could prepare a blue-print of the basic works organisation.
* Too bloody right! It is estimated that such a blue print would tend to increase the sub-branch's capabilities out of all proportion.      As an addition to the agenda for the meeting of the board of directors and shareholders it is proposed that the following items be discussed:- A.   The affect on J.S.L. dividends of :- (i)   Watney's. (ii)  Curry. (iii) T.A.B.T. (iv)  Lea and Perrin's. B.   The possibility of locating a new crab-farm in the highly salubrious atmosphere of the Buckinghamshire countryside, where the characteristic clashing of crabs' antennae can be heard echoing around the walls of the arse-hole of the Empire all day long. C.   What measures the Board considers necessary in view of the rumour that an un-named Communist-controlled newspaper is offering prizes in a competition "Do It Yourself" kits for converting war surplus dinghy leak stoppers into variable thrust anti-squitter plugs.      The Aylesbury and District Percentage fall out is progressing well, dependent as it is on beer consumption and relative humidity, both of which are, of course, in the region of 98% being therefore in a state of near-saturation,

We have the honour to be, Sir,                           Sires,                                                   Your obedient servants                                   G V SHIPLEY                                            AYLESBURY AND DISTRICT SUB-BRANCH MANAGER             P SUMMERS                                              DEPUTY SUB-BRANCH MANNER AND PILES REPRESENTATIVE.    

Flat 1,                      55 Pittville Lawn,         Cheltenham,              Glos.                  5th December, 1957          

Dear Squadron Leader Adamson,      Many thanks for your notice of the annual board meeting of the Jever Steam Laundry.      I have bags of dirty washing I can always mop up some beer and down a cold plate and I haven't met any good sympathetic vibrations and fall-out since I left Jever  (well not much anyway!)   so I'll be there at 1900 hours sharp.                                         Sincerely,                                            Alan Lethbridge
Headquarters 43 Squadron, R.A.F. Leuchers, Fife. 12th December 1957. Dear President,      Many thanks for your kind notification of the Annual General Meeting which this year is being held on 28th Dec at "Dirty Dicks".  I myself am very keen to attend this meeting because I have a certain amount to air, and I think it proper that I should give you and Mr Goodwin adequate warning of the points I shall raise. 1.  I have been most perturbed by the way in which the y-front is being ousted by Jock-Straps in this part of the country. 2.  Secondly I am worried by the fall off of fall out as a result of the wearing of kilts. I suspect that the majority of Scottish fall out is either being deposited direct in the street or privately washed off the legs.  This is obviously not good for business. 3.  I am drawing up plans of a sophisticated system for retrieving the tartar from the tartan. 4.  I hope to convince you both that in the future all water used at our laundries should come from the lochs up here.  In particular I am most amazed by that which comes from the famous Bol Loch. 5.  Spending a certain amount of our wealth in publicising the quantities of "Brown Label" Whisky which I find produces a very thick rich fall out - in fact second only to Jever Bier fall out. 6.  MOD. 584621 incorporates a rebore of the holes in the sieve which have tended to become blocked if this sort of fall out is handled ???????? untended urinals.  I intend to request that the MOD. be made a universal one. 7.  There seems to be quite a future in the laundering of bag-pipes!! 8.  Have either of you been lucky enough to have had connections with Haggis Fall Out?   This is certainly extremely valuable and I feel sure it will supply the answer to the problem of manufacturing synthetic Teakan plastic which is vital in the modern treatment of black eyes and black heads. 9.  Could you, Mr President, or Mr Goodwin nip over to the Congo and employ these two 6" men which we turned down on our last tour of Africa.  I find that there is a place for them in the delicate but vital task of removing bodies foreign from the sporran.      These are the main points which I wish to discuss and I trust you will be interested in some samples and exhibits which I hope to bring.      I am happy to report that the Scottish branch of the J.S.L. is slowly taking shape and will be a going concern in 1958.  Once again many thanks for your notification of the meeting, fall out, Mr Bodger.

Bodgers Coat of Arms.jpg, 15153 bytes

A very merry Christmas and prosperous New Fall Out to all our brother laundries from the Guardbridge
Scottish Steam Laundry.

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