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F540 Operations Record Book September 1958 NO 93 SQUADRON.
PRO Kew No. AIR27 Piece 2803 Microfilm Row1 Draws 52-71
Place Date Time SUMMARY OF EVENTS                                  COMPILING OFFICER   Plt. Off M.A.F. Ryan       REF. TO APPENDICES
      JohnCummins.jpg, 6217 bytes  
      Monday 1st September 1958
                                                     The Squadron flew 9 aircraft to Sylt in the morning.   There
were 8 still serviceable on arrival.   In the afternoon, together with 4 Squadron, a
Belgian Squadron and the German O.C.U.   We were given an introductory briefing by the
Station Commander, the Wing Commander Flying and Air Traffic Control which lasted for
50 minutes.   There was low cloud in the morning which made the flypast difficult but
was perfect in the afternoon.
      Tuesday 2nd September 1958
                                                       The weather was excellent for the start of the 3 cine
sorties necessary for everyone before firing.   All sorties carried out at 20,000 ft.
Air/air hours flown - 1605 hrs. 24 sorties.   3 Demos.
                     4 sorties were abortive due to unserviceable radar
                     1 sorties was       "            "    to            "          camera
                     2 sorties were cancelled due to        "              aircraft
      Wednesday 3rd September 1958
                                                     The first firing sorties took place today and most of the
cine sorties were completed.   The weather was perfect.
Air/air hours flown - 1505 hrs.     17 sorties (3 live)
                Highest scorer - Fg. Off. A.J. Lakeman, 15%
                Lowest scorer -  Flt. Lt. S.T. Newington,  5%
      7 sorties were aborted due to unserviceable radar
          1 sortie was          "         "     "          "            weather
          1 sortie was       "          "       "         "             film
          6 sorties were cancelled due to       "             aircraft
          Daily stoppage rate - 2%.      Daily Squadron Average - 11.3%
      Thursday 4th September, 1958
                                                        Weather perfect.   The last of the cine sorties were completed
today.   Fg. Off. Bouch joined the Squadron today.
      Air/air hours flown - 16.20 hrs.   22 sorties (11 live)                  3 Demos.
      Highest scorer - Flt. Lt. S.T. Newington 32%
      Lowest scorer - Flt. Lt. R.S. Bingham 0%
  5 sorties were aborted due to unserviceable radar
   1 sortie was          "         "     "          "             camera
   2 sorties were cancelled due to       "             aircraft
   2 sorties were      "           "     "        "             G.C.I.
   Daily stoppage rate - 645                Daily Squadron average - 16.8%
   Progressive stoppage rate - 516     Progressive Squadron average - 15.7%
      Friday 5th September, 1958
                                                  Weather perfect.   Air/air hours flown -1320 hrs. 10 sorties (all alive)
                          Highest scorer - Flt. Lt. S.T. Newington 38%
                          Lowest scorer - Fg. Off. F Davies 1%
                          9 sorties were aborted due to unserviceable radar
                          2 sorties were        "          "   "                "      gunsights
                          4 sorties were        "          "   "                "      flag or range
                          5 sorties were cancelled due to          "         aircraft
                          2 sorties were        "          "     "   no flag
          Daily stoppage rate - 726              Daily Squadron average - 18.2%
          Progressive stoppage rate - 600 Progressive Squadron average - 16.8%
      Saturday 6th September, 1958
                                                        Everyone worked in the morning checking radar equipment
and harmonising aircraft and gun packs.   Everyone was X-rayed by the R.A.F. mobile X-ray unit.
      Monday 8th September, 1958
                                                     Large amounts of Cumulus on the S.W. range caused the earlier
sorties to be cancelled.   Air/air hours - 6.35 hrs.                        5 sorties.        2 Demos.
                                Highest scorer - Flt. Lt. C.W. Timms 43%
                                Lowest scorer - Flt. S.T. Newington 4%
                   2 sorties were aborted due to unserviceable radar
                   4 sorties were        "          "     "             "        flag
                   1 sorties was         "          "     "             "        weather
                   6 sorties were cancelled due to unserviceable aircraft
                   14    "         "             "         "    "           "           weather
                     Daily stoppage rate - Infinity                    Daily Squadron average 22.3%
                     Progressive stoppage rate - 743           Progressive Squadron average - 17.7%
      Tuesday 9th September, 1958
                                                        Bad weather cumulus on the range and 1500' cloud base at
Sylt necessitate leaving the range (sometimes 50 n.m. from base) with 1500 lbs of fuel
minimum.   Air to air hours flown - 11.50 hrs.          13 live sorties 2 cine         1 Demo.
                     Highest scorer - Flt. Lt. G.W. Timms 61% Lowest scorer - Fg. Off. F Davies 3%
                     3 sorties were aborted due to unserviceable radar
                     3      "           "          "            "     "    flag shot away (2) or anoxic tow pilot (1)
                     5      "           "          "            "     "    insufficient time
                     1      "        was        "            "     "  unserviceable gunsight
                     7      "        were cancelled due to           "             aircraft
                     Daily stoppage rate - 715                   Daily Squadron average 23.3%
                     Progressive stoppage rate - 735      Progressive Squadron average - 19.4%
      Wednesday 10th September, 1958
                                                               Weather perfect.
                          Air to air hours flown 15.35.                  12 sorties.    1 Demo
                          Highest scorer - Fg. Off. J.R. Lynn 41% Lowest scorer - Fg. Off. G.A. Talbot 0%
                          7 sorties were aborted due to unserviceable radar
                          2       "        "        "          "   "               "         gunsight
                          2       "    "        "          "   "                 "            aircraft                           7       "          "       "          "   " flag shot away (6) or unserviceable (1)
                          2       "    cancelled due to unserviceable aircraft
                           Daily stoppage rate - Infinity               Daily Squadron -15%
                           Progressive stoppage rate - 10.33   Progressive Squadron average - 19.4%
      Thursday 11th September, 1958
                                                           A little low stratus at first but it later cleared and the
weather was perfect.   Shipping made N.W. Range unserviceable later in the day.
                              Air to air hrs. flown - 14.30                        14 sorties.      1 Demo.
                              Highest scorer - Flt. Lt. C.W. Timms 43%         Lowest scorer - Fg. Off. Talbot 2%
                              5 sorties were aborted due to unserviceable radar
                              2      "          "            "          "    "       "            weather
                              1      "         was      "        "    "        "               gunsight
                              2      "       were       "         "     "    Flag shot away
                              1      "           was    "         "     "    unserviceable radio
                              2      "       were       "         "    2    stoppages
                              4      "            "      cancelled due to sharing range (N.W. Range u/s)
                              Daily stoppage rate - 515                   Daily Squadron average 23.4%
                              Progressive stoppage rate - 847      Progressive Squadron average - 20%
      Friday 12th September, 1958
                                                     Very little cloud about but there were several cease fires
at the end of the day due to difficult light conditions caused by the low sun
reflecting off the sea.
                    Air to air hours flown - 1630 11 sorties         1 Demo
                    Highest scorer - Fg. Off. Raeburn 41% Lowest scorer - Flt. Lt. T.A.K. Wood 5%
                    8 sorties were aborted due to unserviceable radar
                    3       "          "          "            "     "       "            flag
                    2       "          "          "            "     "       "            harmonisation
                    2       "          "          "            "     "       "           tug R/T
                    1 sortie was         "            "     "             "        gunsight
                    1       "       "            "            "     "    stoppage
                    3 sorties were cancelled due to unserviceable aircraft
                    Daily stoppage rate - 738                   Daily Squadron average 23.3%
                    Progressive stoppage rate - 851      Progressive Squadron average - 21.9%
      Saturday 13th September, 1958
                                                          Very little cloud, bad visibility at low level.   There
was only flying in the morning.   Air to air hours flown - 9.15 hrs.               9 sorties
                 Highest scorer - Flt. Lt. C.W. Timms 59% Lowest scorer - Fg. Off. F Davies 2%
                 6 sorties were aborted due to unserviceable radar
                 5     "          "   cancelled due to        "            aircraft
                 Daily stoppage rate - 738                      Daily Squadron average 30.6%
               Progressive stoppage rate - 651             Progressive Squadron average - 21.9%
      Monday 15th September, 1958
                                                        There was a Battle of Britain Anniversary parade in the
morning in front of the Target Towing Squadron Hangar.   Bad visibility and rain
stopped flying.   A game of basketball was played against 4 Squadron in the afternoon.
      Tuesday 16th September, 1958
                                                          Very bad weather in the morning, low stratus 2 - 400 ft. and
rain.   Flying began in the afternoon when this cleared.
                                 Air to air hours flow - 4.15                                 2 sorties
          Highest scorer - Fg. Off. A.J. Lakeman 44%    Lowest scorer - Fg. Off. Gleen 42%
                              3 sorties were aborted due to unserviceable radar
                              3       "          "             "         "     "          "       flag
          Daily stoppage rate - infinity                    Daily Squadron average - 42.7%
          Progressive stoppage rate - 675           Progressive Squadron average - 22.2%
      Wednesday 17th September, 1958
                                                                Weather perfect.  Light conditions were awkward on the
last sorties.      Air to air hours flown - 10.25                   9 sorties        1 Demo.
              Highest scorer - Flt. Lt. C. Taylor 56%               Lowest scorer - Fg. Off. P.L.F. Bradley 1%
              7 sorties were aborted due to unserviceable radar
              1 sortie was            "          "   "         "             flag
              13 sorties were cancelled due to       "            aircraft
              Daily stoppage rate - 680              Daily Squadron average 19.1%
              Progressive stoppage rate - 852 Progressive Squadron average - 21.9%
      Thursday 18th September, 1958
                                                           Weather good.   There was very little cloud about.
                          Air to air hours flown - 13.50                  10 sorties
                Highest scorer - Fg. Off. J.R. Lynn 52%           Lowest scorer - Flt. Lt. Newington 3%
                              10 sorties were aborted due to unserviceable radar
                              1 sortie was              "         "      "         "           R/T
                              1      "        "                 "    "      "            "           gunsight
                              1      "        "                 "         "      "   a stoppage
                              5 sorties were cancelled due to unserviceable aircraft
                   Daily stoppage rate - 493                  Daily Squadron average 21.6%
                   Progressive stoppage rate - 784     Progressive Squadron average - 21.9%
      Friday 19th September, 1958
                                                      Fog and low stratus made the airfield state Red in the
morning but there was flying in the afternoon above 8/8 the cloud cover.
                    Air to air hours flown - 5.00                       3 sorties
                  Highest scorer - Flt. Lt. J.J Parker 40%        Lowest scorer - Fg. Off. F. Davies 5%
                                 6 sorties were aborted due to unserviceable radar
                               15       "          "    cancelled due to         "          weather
                                 8       "          "             "        "   "           "          aircraft
                  Daily stoppage rate - 559                   Daily Squadron average 22.5%
                  Progressive stoppage rate - 773      Progressive Squadron average - 22%
Flt. Lt. C. Taylor and Fg. Off. P.L.F. Bradley were dined out in the evening.
      Saturday 20th September, 1958
                                                             There was no flying in the morning, everyone worked on
the aircraft.   The airmen party was held in the evening.
      Monday 22nd September, 1958
                                                             Bad weather associated with an approaching trough
cancelled flying in the afternoon.   Cumulus Nimbus
caused difficulty on the range in the morning.
                   Air to air hours flown - 5.55                   3 sorties
              Highest scorer - Plt. Off. M.A.F. Ryan 19%      Lowest scorer - Fg. Off. F Davies 7%
              6 sorties were aborted due to unserviceable radar
              2       "          "            "         "    "             "       weather
              6       "          "            "         "    "             "       aircraft
              1 sortie was           "         "    "               "           R/T
              14 sorties were cancelled due to        "           weather
              Daily stoppage rate - 462               Daily Squadron average 13.8%
              Progressive stoppage rate - 768  Progressive Squadron average - 21.9%
      Tuesday 23rd September, 1958
                                                          Ranges in a clear unstable airstream with cumulus dispersing
throughout the day.            Air to air hours flown - 12.35                    10 sorties
              Highest scorer - Plt. Off. Ryan 44%      Lowest scorer - Fg. Off. P. King 13%
                        12 sorties were aborted due to unserviceable radar
                        2         "          "            "         "     "          "        flag
                        5         "          "   cancelled due to           "        weather
                        Daily stoppage rate - 640              Daily Squadron average 25.9%
                        Progressive stoppage rate - 747 Progressive Squadron average - 22.1%
      Wednesday 24th September, 1958
                                                                  Fog, low stratus and rain cancelled flying in the morning.
In the afternoon the equipment was loaded onto the lorries for the convoy.
      Thursday 25th September, 1958
                                                            There was low stratus and rain showers in the morning but
6 aircraft from 93 Squadron and 8 aircraft from 4 Squadron all started successfully and
took off at 11.15 hrs.   Despite the low cloud there was a wing flypast led by
Wg. Cdr. C.C. Atherton (Wing Commander Flying, Jever) at both Sylt and Jever.
The road party commanded by Fg. Off. P King and Fg. Off. D.J. Gleen left Sylt at
midday and stopped overnight at Luneberg, arriving at Jever next day, after an
uneventful journey at 14.15 hrs on Friday.   317 M.T. Squadron left Sylt at the same
time with our heavy equipment.
      Friday 26th September, 1958
                                                            The rail party left Sylt on the 0604 train commanded by
Flt. Lt. T.A.K. Wood with Plt. Off. M.A.F. Ryan.   The journey was uneventful and the
party arrived at Jever at 1630 hours.   The Squadron rear party consisting of Fg. Off. P.
and two airmen handed over the dispersal and barrack block inventories and left
Sylt at 10.15 hrs by private car arriving at Jever at 20.45 hrs.   The Squadron
pilots attended a farewell dinner dance in the evening for Group Captain S.W.R. Hughes,
the Station Commander, as he is returning to the United Kingdom shortly on completion
of his tour.   Flt. Lt. P. Barrow joined the Squadron from No. 1 Squadron at
      Saturday 27th September, 1958
                                                        Flt. Lt. C. Taylor gave his final aerobatic display at
R.A.F. Wildenrath and left for the United Kingdom from there at the end of his tour.
Fg. Off. P.L.F. Bradley also left Jever for the United Kingdom on completion of his
      Monday 29th September, 1958
                                                        There was no Hunter flying today as the long range tanks
(inboard) were being replaced on the aircraft.   The T.11 was used for some
Instrument Flying Practice.   The station was warned to standby for a general alert
sometime between today and 11th October 1958.
      Tuesday 30th September, 1958
                                                          Frontal waves fluctuating to and fro across Jever gave rain
showers, stratus and poor visibility.   The usual round of training was begun again today
with battle formation, cine attacks and tail chases.   Battle formation with
four aircraft were flown where possible in view
of serviceability.   There was more I/F practices in the Vampire T.11.
                                                                   FLYING HOURS
    Operational Type                Day                           Night                      Sorties
         Hunter Mk.6                  226.40                       Nil                              403
    Training Type
     Vampire T.11                          43.00                  Nil                                49   
                                                     269.40                  Nil                             452
                            Almost the whole month was spent at A.P.S. Sylt.   Radar-ranging troubles
(mainly over-ranging) resulted in a very high rate of aborted sorties.   The final
squadron average of 22.1%, however showed a marked improvement on the squadron previous
attachment and with fully serviceable radar-ranging the score would be higher.   The
stoppage rate was lower than previously and is a result of (a) the squadron rundown in
armament tradesmen and (b) the high number of 'cease' fires due to u/s radar-ranging.
      Signed HMinnis Sqn.Ldr.                              
(H. Minnis)                                                     
Squadron Leader                                         
Officer Commanding                                   
No. 93 Squadron                                          
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