Two of my Thorneycroft 3-tonners on convoy practice north
of Jever. Whenever we stopped, as in this case, we almost
always attracted a crowd of youthful spectators.

The other
Squadron pilots
had their duties.
Bernie Revnell looked after the accounts of the
Squadron Fund, from which purchases were made for the Coca-Cola bar,
Squadron ties, and other odds and ends.
Brian Iles and
George Hickman, in their turn, kept the
Squadron Diary (
Form 540). One or other of us would take a turn for a few months as
Squadron Adjutant.
Brian Sanderson,
Geoff Couch, and
'Al' Ramsay recorded the
Squadron monthend statistics, filling in charts in a prescribed manner, using 'Uno' stencils. Others held barrack inventories or were responsible for overseeing sports and diverse activities across the Station. On a camp as big as Jever there were enough Officers to share these duties fairly evenly without too much doubling-up. This was unlike the situation later in my career when I was at a small Unit where to have at least four onerous and demanding extraneous duties was the norm. These, of
course, were in addition to one's prime duty and purpose for being there.

In addition to being Squadron
MTO and
i/c Station Tug-of-War (which I was
still able to dodge because of continuing lack of interest) I was allocated two other
tasks: that of being
i/c Visits by Air Squadrons and Summer Camps, and being

Filling a jerrycan from a drainage ditch to quench the
thirst of a Thorneycroft.
Gerry Busby on left, myself in the middle, with one of my
drivers filling the can.
overseer of the
PSI Gardens. In neither instance was there any hand-over from the previous incumbent. Each is worthy of further explanation.

The Visits by Air Squadrons and Summer Camps job was an infrequent responsibility. Indeed there was only one such visit, by a University Air Squadron, during my time. It was my duty to co-ordinate accommodation for, and the activities of, the visitors. On this occasion the whole Station was involved to some extent so much of the work was done for me. All I had to do was liaise with the visitors and make sure everything ran smoothly for them. It is of