TXD425 MG manoeuvring in the Car Rally at RAF Jever during Anglo-German Week. Driver left: Olaf Bergh, his MG and passenger Eddie McCullagh in bowler hat. (See debate below) 22Jun57 (Thanks to Gladys Watson)
I am delighted that my challenge to identify the MG owner has thrown up a little controversy.
Gerry Shipley tells me: "..the driver of the MG A is wearing a bowler hat; the only MG A I remember "belonging" to 98 was Olaf Bergh's car.[Olaf 98 Sqn Apr57 to Aug57] I think this is almost certainly it."
Brian Dunbar writes: "The only MG that was around when I was there belonged to Tony Landon.[Tony Before Apr56 to after Apr57] If he was still at Jever it would almost certainly be his. He once had a race down the runway against Wingco West and CJ (Volkswagon and Audi 3 cyl 2 stroke) - he lost! I tried to check the dates but could find no reference to Tony. Hope this helps."
Blow up of MG car occupants. Raises more questions. Is it left or right-hand drive? Therefore who is the driver? The one on the left of the picture appears to have no hat on and it is not clear whether he has a moustache like Olaf? It seems to have something like the top of a steering wheel just above the dashboard? The one on the right looks as though he is wearing a bowler and appears to be touching its rim with a stick? Anymore clues or suggestions?
Eddie McCullagh says the following: "I agree with Gerry Shipley that the June '57 MG is Olaf Bergh's (who is driving) and I'm sure that is me next to him. The 'stick' touching my bowler is the shadow of the windscreen surround." That looks like the definite answer then and I agree about the shadow!