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4sqnpic331.jpg, 18195 bytes
Greetings from 4 Squadron 1954.   Delivered from Sabre 4 air brake bays.   Myself and Tony Pearce were detailed to Oldenburg, I think it was, and an Army unit at Osnabruck.   We flew under a heavy cu and coming out the other side we found our windscreens obscured by ice we thought.   Against recommendations we heated the screens, but to no avail.   Guided each other to the targets and dumped the goods.   On return to Jever we found it was SALT!   Some years later one of the Brown Jobs (who were playing hockey at the time) became a British Railways Traffic Apprentice (a fast track to management).   We met up at the office in the early 60's and swapping yarns; he was one of the hockey players.   (Thanks to Ron Gray.)
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