Having undone my cases and hung up my uniforms, suits, and trousers, I made my way back to the Mess, taking my time. There was still no-one about outside
which I thought strange although there was obvious activity from the airfield. As I
walked past the old Luftwaffe Officers' accommodation blocks each side of the Mess
gardens I could see that they had pergolas hung with wisteria and other vines. They
were fine elegant buildings in red brick and with a raised brick patio along each
garden frontage. They looked well against the backdrop of dark green pine trees.
The rear of the Mess building also had a wide terrace overlooking the garden, lawn,
and tennis courts. I had never seen anything of this standard at any UK camp.
Everything was neat and tidy, well kept, and comfortable to the eye. There were five
Officers blocks in all. Only the two ex-Luftwaffe blocks and the Mess were in sight of
each other.