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Summary of Events Compilation Officer: Fg.Off. Clayton-Jones |
1st May, 1956 |
Flying started with high level battle formation, and dog fights, and this
continued until shortly before 15.00 hours, when a fly past and aerobatic
demonstration was given for the C. in C., Air Marshal the Earl of Bandon.
24 aircraft 'flew past', and then the 93 Squadron aerobatic team peeled off
and gave a formation aerobatic display. Low cloud prevented the team from carrying
out their full display, but the Air Marshal was impressed enough to send a signal,
clearing them for displays throughout 2nd A.T.A.F. |
2nd |
12 aircraft were serviceable for the second time since re-equipping with Hunters,
and they were flown on 3 consecutive sorties as a twelve aircraft battle formation,
operating above eight-eights cloud. Considerable value was gained from the snake
climbs and Q.G.H.s. Flying ceased at 12.30 hours at the end of the 36th sortie. |
3rd |
With the reduced target of 308 hours, it has been decided to cut the length of
the trips to 40 minutes only, and to concentrate on the sorties.
Today most of the sorties were high level battle again, and 42 day sorties were
flown. There was also 9 night sorties on local recces and circuits. [Today XE685 B was damaged Cat 4 but no mention is made of this accident. Click to see aircraft entry.] |
4th |
Plt.Off. Landon went by Varsity to the U.K. on an aircraft recognition course,
and Plt.Off. Biggs went with him on leave.
A cine programme was flown throughout the day, except for one break, when the
formation aerobatic team flew. |
5th |
A Squadron parade was held, which was followed by aircraft cleaning. Only
1 sortie was flown, which was the Squadron Commander, who was trying out various
flame out forced landing procedures. |
6th Sunday |
Fg.Off. Sanderson was involved in a motor car accident with his new car, and
was taken to the R.A.F. Hospital at Rostrup with concussion and cuts of his face;
he arrived at almost the same time as his first child was born (a boy.) |
7th |
A pairs programme was flown on cine quarter attacks, 6 aircraft being
serviceable. We heard that the monthly flying target had been increased to 346
hours again. This means that an unrestricted flying programme can be maintained.
8 night cross-countries were flown, which made a total of 41 sorties for one day. |
8th |
7 aircraft were serviceable, and these were used for high level battle
formation and dog fights.
Owing to Fg.Off. Sanderson's accident, and the possibility of his not being
able to fly in the air show at Butzweilerhof on 3rd June, the aerobatic team has
been reshuffled. Fg.Off. Chadwick has moved down to the box position, and
Fg.Off. Clayton-Jones has come in as number two. |
9th |
Today, being sports afternoon, only 14 sorties were flown, 2 sections of 4 flew
on cross countries, one on formation aerobatics, and 2 pilots did individual sorties
on practice forced landings.
The 93 Squadron cricket team played for the first time this season, losing to
Tech Wing by 16 runs. Fg.Off. Exley obtained a hat trick, and was also top scorer
with 27 runs. |
10th |
Both flights carried on with high level battle formation with sections of four,
and the formation aerobatic team also flew. Capt. Konantz, the Commander of a
Sabre flight which has been attached to 122 Wing for this week, came across to
convert onto Hunters. He was most impressed with the Hunter's performance. |
11th |
6 aircraft were serviceable, and these were flown on a cine programme. The
formation aerobatic team flew twice, and carried out a sequence over the airfield.
A Meteor 7 flew down from Sylt and Fg.Off. Sharman of 98 Squadron flew in it taking
air to air photographs of the team. [Click here to see photos] |
12th |
After a somewhat hectic guest night for the visiting Americans, there was
little activity in the Squadron. Most pilots were occupied with various
administrative jobs. Fg.Off. Sanderson returned from R.A.F. Rostrup. |
14th Monday |
29 sorties were flown, 8 of which were night cross-countries. During the day
the sorties were of a mixed nature, but the accent was mainly on cine. Flt.Lt.Hayes
carried out some air to sea firing at the range at Spiekerouge. Fg.Off. Sanderson
flew down to Wegberg in a T.11 for a medical check-up. He was grounded until the
end of the month. |
15th |
The Squadron was on battle flight, refuelling from the Squadron dispersal
instead of the O.R.P. Battle flight was scrambled 7 times, but owing to a lack
of "trade", the sections were split for practice interceptions.
At the end of the day 259 hours had been flown on operational type, leaving less
than 100 hours for the rest of the month. |
16th |
The cloud over the Frisian Islands was down to 400 feet, and it threatened to
arrive at Jever by late morning. Battle flight was scrambled at 08.25 hours but
no interceptions were made, and the section spent most of the time in cloud.
The second battle flight sortie was led by Flt.Lt. Colvin. He had been given
permission to carry out a reconnaissance sortie over Warendorf, but the weather started
to deteriorate rapidly and the section were recalled to base. After this the airfield
became "Red", and battle flight was stood down. |
17th |
26 sorties were flown on battle flight, which brought the month's hours up
to 268.50. Several aircraft were intercepted including Meteor 8s and N.F. 11, and
Venoms. It was disappointing that most of the targets were seen by the pilots
before the G.C.I.s gave any hint of their presence. Sqn.Ldr. Browne left for a
short continental holiday, and Fg.Offs. Exley and Garthwaite flew to U.K. for the
Whitsun Grant. |
18th |
Whitsun Grant. |
19th |
2 aircraft were on battle flight, at 5 minutes availability, but were not
scrambled. |
20th |
The Squadron were on battle flight again. Flt.Lt..Colvin, Fg.Off.Taylor,
Leigh-Lancaster and Dunbar did a fly-past over Warendorf where the Germans were
holding an international balloon race. They landed to refuel at Gutersloh before
returning. |
21st |
Whitsun Grant. |
22nd |
On the second sorties 4 pilots, led by Flt.Lt. Hayes flew on different cross
countries, with a rendezvous over Ahlhorn at 40,000 feet. After nearly an hour's
flying, they arrived at the rendezvous within seconds of each other, proving that
this type of flying can still be carried out at high speeds in a single seater
aircraft, with comparatively little time spent on flight planning.
Several pilots carried out cine quarter attacks at 30,000 feet, and 3 pilots
did forced landing practice, using the spiral from overhead system, and simulating
a 25,000 feet cloud base. The general feeling at this moment is that this is alright
in powered controls but not so easy in manual control. |
23rd |
Another rendezvous with 4 aircraft, was flown, but this time without
so much success. Only 3 aircraft managed to join up. More practice forced
landings were attempted, and the score now stands at 31 successful attempts to 9
failures. An encouraging start. |
24th |
27 sorties were flown on a programme which included high level battle formation,
cine quarters, individual aerobatics and practice forced landings. There was also
a rehearsal for the fly past which is going to be flown for the Press when they
visit the station tomorrow. |
25th |
The morning was spent tidying and preparing the crewroom and the hangar for the visit
by the Press. The aerobatics team did some practice over the airfield, in which
Fg.Off. Chadwick had considerable trouble with engine surge. This was put down to
the warm day, which has far more effect on performance than we had imagined.
The Wing gave a flying demonstration for the Press, and the aerobatic team gave
their display. After lunch air to air photographs were taken from a Valetta. |
26th |
The majority of the ground crew had a 48 hour pass, since they had to work over the
Whitsun grant. There was no flying and ground training was carried out by the pilots. |
28th Monday |
Flying has stopped for the Squadron except for the formation aerobatic team who
continue to practice for the air show at Butzweilerhof.
Fg.Off. Sanderson is cleared to fly again, and is to act as reserve for the
aerobatic team until after the show, when he will come back into the box position.
The Squadron is on a mobility exercise today and tomorrow, to test our equipment and
to see how many vehicles we will need for complete mobility. The vehicles were
loaded during the afternoon, and parked in 4 Squadron hangar over-night. |
29th |
The 20 vehicles required for the mobility exercise were taken on a short convoy
round the airfield, and then a camp was pitched outside the hangar. Normal
servicing equipment was unloaded first, and then the 4 aerobatic aircraft were
turned round and another practice display was flown over the airfield.
Meals, from tea until tomorrow's breakfast were cooked on the mobile stoves,
and the Squadron spent the night under canvas, no snags being encountered. Fg.Off. Sanderson flew to U.K. to collect the smoke canisters from Odiham which
are required for the display. |
30th |
The camp was taken down during the morning and there was no flying. A Squadron
sports meeting was held in the afternoon, on the station athletics field, and
teams were chosen for the Wing sports. |
31st |
A Queen's birthday parade was held, after which the station stood down except
for a few airmen who were engaged in modifying the aerobatic aircraft to fire smoke
canisters. 6 airmen proceeded to R.A.F. Wahn with a 3 ton lorry and a Landrover,
as a servicing party for the aerobatic team. |
4th |
Fg.Off. Landon proceeded to U.K. on an aircraft recognition course. |
6th |
Fg.Off. Sanderson was admitted to R.A.F. Hospital Rostrup, after a car accident. |
12th |
Fg.Off. Sanderson was discharged from hospital. |
Another month of excellent weather prevailed, so that with the good aircraft
serviceability, 12 aircraft at times, the flying target was achieved easily. By the
middle of the month over 250 hours had been flown.
The flying programme was fairly well balanced between cine gun exercises, high
level battle formation, interceptions and individual exercises. Formation aerobatics
occupied 4 pilots some 20 sorties each. Quite a large flying effort went into the
Practice Forced Landing trials, which all pilots regardless of ability took part in
and gained useful experience, besides proving that the Spiral overhead is the best. |
During the last 2 days of the month the Squadron carried out a full scale mobility
pack up of first line servicing and domestic equipment, which was followed by a night
under canvas for the complete unit. It proved that the present scale of the mobility
vehicles is less than one third of the requirement, and this is not allowing for
specialist vehicles required for aircrew clothing, aircraft fuel and domestic water. |
Operational Type Day Night Sorties
Hunter Mk.4 352.05 15.40 523
Sabre F.86 F. .45 1
Training Type
Vampire T.11 14.05 6.25 14
Totals 356.35 22.05 538
Signed AJ Colvin, Fl.Lt.
for (D.F.M.BROWNE)
Squadron Leader
Officer Commanding
No. 93 Squadron. |