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Summary of Events Compilation Officer: Fg.Off.Clayton-Jones |
R.A.F. Jever |
1st April, 1956 |
Easter Grant. |
2nd |
Easter Grant |
3rd |
Twenty four aircraft from the Wing left this morning for Geilenkirchen, where
they will be based for 3 days, practising for the Wildenwrath fly past in honour
of Her Royal Highness, the Duchess of Kent, on her visit to Germany. The Squadron
provided 7 aircraft; 6 in the Wing formation, and 1 spare.
Sqn.Ldr. Browne, Fg.Offs. Sanderson, Exley, Chadwick, Ritchie, Taylor and
Dunbar were in the flying party. Fg.Off. Garthwaite had travelled previously was
in charge of the ground personnel from all four Squadrons.
In spite of this large drain on the Squadron's aircraft, 3 aircraft still
remained for the rest of the pilots to fly. This gives some indication of the
excellent work that the ground crews have been putting in. |
4th |
Monday |
There were still three aircraft serviceable, and these were flown until 12.00 hours.
The 7 aircraft at Geilenkirchen flew 2 sorties each, in two rehearsals.
Fg.Off. Leigh-Lancaster returned from leave. |
5th |
In the morning the visibility was very poor and there were frequent snow
Fg.Off. Clayton-Jones completed the flying test for a green rating, which
means that all the pilots except the 2 newcomers, are permitted to fly in "amber"
The families of both Officers and Airmen were entertained in the afternoon,
in the tower room of the hangar, where they were able to see the return of the
Wing from Geilenkirchen.
Unfortunately the fly-past at Wildenwrath had been cancelled through
inclement weather.
During the day it was found that there were too many aircraft for the pilots
available, and we were in the rare position of having 4 aircraft as spares. All
pilots flew 4 sorties, and some had 5. 53 sorties were flown, with an airborne
time of 40 hours, 45 minutes, a record for a day's flying. This brings the monthly
total to 79 hours. |
6th |
12, out of the 13 aircraft on Squadron strength were serviceable, which has
never been achieved before on this station with Hunter 4s.
Seven aircraft flew in a Wing fly past, on the first sortie, and then all
12 in a Squadron fly past. [Click here to see more about this event]
[ We do not have Copyright to the original photo in the actual F540 but this photo is similar.] |
7th & 8th |
Stand down. |
9th |
The weather was perfect first thing, but it gradually clouded over. 6 aircraft
were serviceable; 4 of them were used on high level battle sorties, and the other
2 on cine quarters. 42 sorties were flown.
Fg.Off. Hickman was repatriated on completion of his tour with the Squadron. |
10th |
There was cloud from 2,000 feet up to 25,000 feet, which gave us an excellent
opportunity to practice snake climbs and descents. There were 6 aircraft serviceable
which were flown on high level battle sorties, and high level ranging and tracking
exercises. 39 sorties were flown. |
11th |
The weather was good and again 6 aircraft were serviceable.
Fg.Off. Taylor took a 4 up to 50,000 for high level battle formation, and a
cross country. The formation aerobatics team flew the last sortie before cease
flying at midday. 19 sorties and 16 hours, 30 minutes were flown. This brings the
monthly total to 60 hours 20 minutes. |
12th |
Monday |
The Squadron was on battle flight for the first time since re-equipping with
Hunters, although only 5 pilots have completed the necessary 50 hours on Hunters
to qualify as "operational".
Fg.Off. Biggs, when flying as spare to battle flight, unfortunately took off
with the ladder still attached, and caused 'cat.3' damage to the aircraft.
[Click here to see a fuller report.]
32 sorties were flown by day, and then a further 12 at night, which were
local recces, and circuits. |
13th |
The accent was on cine today, and there was a marked improvement. Most pilots
are now coping adequately with the pattern at 20,000 feet. 21 sorties were flown. |
14th |
After Met. briefing the pilots were given an aircraft recognition test, the
weather being too bad for flying.
Towards the later half of the morning flying started on a limited basis although
the cloud base was only 700 feet.
In the afternoon an inter-section 7 aside Rugby tournament was held. The
Squadron team lost in the 1st round to 4 Squadron by 8 points to nil.
Fg.Off. Ritchie represented the Station Soccer team in the morning against
R.A.F. Sundern. Jever won 8 - 2. |
16th Monday |
The day's flying was devoted to cine. A pairs programme was carried out and
the majority of the pilots gained experience in quarter attacks. The fact that
these exercises are now competitive seems to induce the pilots to produce better
results. In the evening 7 of our pilots were in the Wing pilots football team
which beat Technical Wing 'A' team 3 - 1 in the inter-section soccer league.
Fg.Off. Clayton-Jones left for Sunder where he was to have an interview
regarding his Direct Commission. |
17th |
The weather was fine, and again the day's programme was pairs cine. 8 night
sorties were also flown, consisting of short range cross countries and Q.G.H. let
The flying target has been reduced by 40 hours per month due to a forecast
shortage of Avon engines. After today's flying we had a total of 260 hours, which
leaves us within easy range of achieving our task. |
18th |
Good weather today enabled us to carry out the programme as planned. 15 sorties
were flown consisting mainly of high level battle formations and dogfights. The
aerobatic team was airborne and gave a very impressive display over the airfield.
The Wing pilots team lost by 4 - nil to Tech Wing in the semi-final of the
soccer cup. Fg. Off. Dunbar played hockey for the station at Delmenhorst, the
station side winning by 5 - 2. Everyone now takes an active part in sports
afternoon and personnel not included in team games, play Squash, Badminton or go
on a cross country run. |
19th |
It was intended that 4 aircraft should go on a landing away cross-country
to R.A.F. Wahn and R.A.F. Fassberg, but neither Wahn nor Fassberg could accept
them, so they went to Wunsdorf for G.C.A. practice. The 4 aircraft remaining
were used for formation aerobatics practice and quarter attacks. |
20th |
The airfield was covered by low cloud and flying was restricted to one
transmitting section per Squadron. This didn't matter very much since flying
has been cut to one trip per pilot, now that the monthly target has been so nearly
reached. Aircraft serviceability remains good, but engine hours are being saved
for next month. |
21st |
After the first Station Commander's parade for several months, the aerobatic
team did a full rehearsal over the airfield. They were the only 4 squadron
aircraft to fly. The team's itinerary consists of a formation box take-off, wing
over turns, loops and rolls in changing formations and finishes with a landing
in box formation. The demonstration takes approximately 10 minutes, and the team
members are Sqn.Ldr. Browne, Fg.Off. Sanderson, Fg.Off. Exley and Fg. Off. Chadwick. |
23rd |
Being just on the verge of achieving our monthly target, we carried
out a very limited programme. This resulted in most of the pilots getting only one
trip again. The aerobatic team continues to practice and all producing very
impressive results.
In the evening 4 pilots were engaged in flying Vampire T.11.s on local night
flying practice.
The Wing Pilots football team, consisting mainly of 93 Squadron Officers
beat the squadron side by 3 - 2 in a section league game. |
24th |
A start was made today with an air to sea firing programme. The weather was
rather against this and only very few pilots actually completed the detail. An
improvement in cloud conditions in the afternoon enabled us to shoot off approximately
800 rounds without a stoppage. Quite an encouraging beginning. With the restriction
on Hunter flying on the Squadron there is a steady trend towards Station Flight to
fly Vampire T.11.s. and the Prentice. A 'Wing Ding' and aerobatic display that had
been planned for today were postponed because of the low cloud base in the circuit
area. |
25th |
The Squadron was very quiet today and apart from 2 aircraft attempting to carry
out air to sea firing. Only the aerobatic team became airborne. Once again
Station Flight was plagued by Squadron pilots looking for something to fly - even
although it was only the Prentice.
Sports afternoon saw everyone actively engaged once again. The Squadron had
no soccer game, but one of the members has begun to get into practice for the
coming cricket season. |
26th |
A full scale rehearsal for the C in C.s visit on 1st May, was carried out this
morning. For this, the Squadron provided 9 aircraft, 4 of these being flown
by pilots from other squadrons. From the fly-past, the aerobatics team broke
away and gave a display over the airfield before the rest of the Wing landed.
Apart from this there was very little flying on the Squadron. Several pilots went
on air to ground firing in Vampire T.11.s from Station Flight. |
27th |
Another full wing fly past was flown, which was a big improvement on
yesterday's rehearsal. 10 aircraft were serviceable, 4 of which had to be lent
to other Squadron's to make up the full 24 aircraft.
Fg.Off. Johnston was posted to the Squadron from O.C.U. |
28th |
The morning started with a Squadron parade and ended with a session of
cleaning the hangar and the aircraft. |
30th |
The only pilots to fly today were Wing Commander Denis, who is converting with
the Squadron, Fg.Off Johnston, who did a local recce., and the aerobatic team.
The rest of the squadron busied themselves with end of month returns and tidying
up the Squadron for the C in C.'s visit tomorrow. |
Operational type Day Night sorties
Hunter Mk.4 332.10 12.55 459
Training Type
Vampire T.11 48.05 9.30 34
Prentice 6.05 -- 8
Totals 386.20 20.25 301
3rd |
Sqn,Ldr. Browne, Fg.Offs. Sanderson, Exley, Chadwick, Ritchie, Taylor and
Dunbar flew to R.A.F. Geilenkirchen for the Fly Past. |
5th |
Pilots returned from R.A.F. Geilenkirchen. |
9th |
Fg.Off. Hickman was repatriated to U.K. on completion of his tour with the Squadron. |
16th |
Fg.Off. Clayton-Jones proceeded to R.A.F. Sundern. |
18th |
Fg.Off. Clayton-Jones returned from Sundern. |
27th |
Fg.Off. Johnston arrived on the Squadron from O.C.U.
The month started with the Squadron on detachment with the Wing at
Geilenkirchen, for a Fly Past in Honour of Her Royal Highness The Duchess of
Kent. Weather prevented the actual fly past from taking place, but the
occasion gave all pilots involved an opportunity to fly as a Wing again.
On return to base, the aircraft serviceability was high; 12 out of the
13 aircraft on strength flew together on more than one occasion, and carried out
high level battle and close formation. With this serviceability and generally
excellent weather at the start of the month, 200 hours had been flown by 12th.
Unfortunately shortly after this the flying target was cut and a very reduced
flying programme started; however with Squadron and Wing commitments the
reduced target was over run. In this respect attached pilots and formation
aerobatics practice accounted for 30 hours.
Flying training consisted of a full quota of cine gun exercises between
20-30,000 feet, high level battle and dog-fights at 40-45,000 feet, air to sea
live firing to work in the Squadron armament (1,200 rounds were fired without a
stoppage) and night flying. It has been a useful and varied month's training
with all, available pilots getting in plenty of flying. Over half the pilots
are now operational on Hunters (over 50 hours) and the majority of the remainder
are very close to it. Therefore I feel the Squadron may be considered
"operational" again; it has flown 990 hours on Hunters since re-equipping with the
first 6 in the second half of January. |
Signed DFM Browne
Squadron Leader
Officer Commanding
No. 93 Squadron. |