JSL - 13 JAN 90
146 HIGH HOLBORN (0171 405 0675)
(300 yards west of Holborn Tube, opposite Town Hall
(Click here to go direct to pictures)
(Click to see Attendees)
The last Annual General Meeting was held on 14 Jan 89 and by all
accounts was a most successful evening, attended by some 42 shareholders.
This was short of the required quorum of 50 but did not seem to hamper
serious business. Perhaps we can redress the fallout of 8 next year.
It is interesting to note that, of the 42 attending, only 4 managed to
sign in, with one (namely B.B.) having great difficulty in spelling
"St.Phaiffs" - somewhere in Norwich. He did, however, admit to being
"slightly piddled" and clearly the Limpopo water imbibed on the night
was of an excellent strain. Despite all this, Terry and June (proprietors)
have confirmed that the JSL remain persona grata in High Holborn;
regrettably no such assurance can be given for the upper reaches of the
Kings Road. Here, at least one Chinese chef is known to have left early
on learning that Hunwick had booked a table for - how many was it, Pete?
As usual, our next AGM is planned for the second Saturday of the New
Year - 13 January 90 - starting at 18.30 hours in the "Three Compasses".
For those of you who still haven't managed to find the way I attach a map
to show how easy it is. Also enclosed is the latest list of names and
addresses - not much improved from last year I'm afraid so any updates
would be most welcome.
Contacts remain unchanged as follows:
Pat King: home address - 121 West Street, Helpston, Peterborough PE6 7DU.
Tel: 0733 252707
Jeff Jeffrey: Work: - FT1a, HQRAFSC, RAF Brampton, Huntingdon, Cambs.
Tel: 0480 52151, Ext 6846
Home:-2 Hawkes End, Brampton, Huntingdon, Cambs. PE18 8TW.
Tel: 0480 454788
My apologies for everything going quiet regarding the coach sortie
back to Jever - unfortunately a number of personal factors conspired to
prevent us from finalising a weekend this October but, if the support is
still there, there is no reason why we should not try for October 90.
Finally, just to whet your appetite and rekindle the urge, I enclose
just one entry from our archives.
Looking forward to seeing you at "steaming time". Don't forget if
you are late it soon becomes one hell of a short night.
P.S. Should you come across Sid, ask him not to privatise the Limpopo -
it would never be the same filtered.
From: Air Commodore C.S.J. West, D.F.C., R.M.A.F.
Chief of Air Staff
Royal Malaysian Air Force
Ministry of Defence
Kuala Lumpur.
CSJW/DC 1 17th December, 1964
Dear Secretary,
Report from Royal Malaysian Air Force
Representative of Jever Steam Laundry
(Founder Member)
1. I was delighted to learn that the Ninth J.S.L. Annual General
Meeting will be held as usual in the Board Room of "Dirty Dicks". I
am leaving by R.A.F. Comet from Singapore late on January 1st which
is due in the U.K. on the evening of 2nd January. If I can get up from
Lyneham, or wherever it lands, to London before closing time rest
assured I will be there.
2. The only matter of note I can report this year is that despite
my best endeavours I was unable to divert Bodger from making a
courtesy call on the Royal Malaysian Air Force on his way to Hong Kong.
3. However all passed out quite quietly with the exception of a few
minor incidents such as, the logistic organisation of the local breweries
responsible for the liquor supply to the city was completely disrupted,
the officers mess had to raise its maintenance charges tenfold due to
unaccountable damages to mess property such as
(a) the mess piano was seen to be foaming from the keyboard;
on closer inspection it was found to be full of beer
(b) a large number of broken washbasins containing unwashed
(c) several service vehicles jammed in the main entrance to
the anteroom.
4. Strange conversations were also overheard in the Ladies Room. For
example one young attractive wife was heard to cry "I swear I had them
on before I went out last night"; a statement echoed apparently by a
number of other puzzled wives. Husbands when asked to comment on this
phenomena were still speechless trying to recover from "Mickey Fins"
which were slipped by someone apparently unknown.
5. Somebody thought they had a clue to these happenings when they
found a pair of underpants hanging from the masthead of the most exclu-
sive club in town with the name Bodger written inside. We quickly recognised
this as an attempt to place the blame on an innocent man; everybody
knows Bodger can't write.
6. Otherwise nothing further to report. Any other managerial
appointments going in the Company? I am ready to swap with this
one any time!!
7. Looking forward to a "pressing" evening.
Yours ever
Flight Lieutenant P.F. Hunwick
Secretary JSL
(UK Branch)
RAF College
ATTENDEES in 1990:
Amongst those attending the AGM 13 Jan 90 were the following:-
In bold from the Signing In Book 28
including ladies 3
Unable to write 10
Total 38
From Photographs: 38
Including Ladies: 4
Total Book and Photographs 38
Dougie Adamson
Val Adamson
Tom Ashwood
Peter Baines
Jo Baines
Dougie Barr
Dickie Barraclough
Tinkle Bell
Bill Blake
Chas Boyack
Jim Browne
Ted Bywater
Ian Craig
Barry Dale
Sam D'Arcy
Sarah Duidge, 32 Welford Gardens, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 2VW
Fergie Ferguson
Ken Goodwin - President
Sue Goodwin
Nobby Hall
Pete Hunwick
Pete Jarvis
Jeff Jeffrey - Secretary
Peter Jennings
Peter Jones
Danny Lavender
Ian Madelin
Bill Maish
Shirley Maish
Father Marquis
Eddie McCullagh
Q Oswell
Tony Pearce
Eric Sharp
Gerry Shipley
Gordon Talbot
Chris Taylor
Tom Watson